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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

37° B O A R D OF trustees [September 18 Schedule Ai S T A T E M E N T OF B U D G E T I N C O M E FOR T H E Y E A R E N D I N G JUNE 30, 1929 3998 292 67 Balances July 1, 1928 102 002 08 Reserve for Orders and Contracts Outstanding 488 834 87 12 991 60 Balances Reappropriated or Carried Forward 375 548 52 $1 Unappropriated Agricultural Income Unappropriated General Income 275 000 00 Income 40 000 00 From State Appropriations 290 000 00 For Operation 140 000 00 Salaries and Wages £3 465 000 00 Travel 160 000 00 $o 936 34 Equipment 130 000 00 $4 500 116 153 25 307 886 98 Office Expense 160 797 39 Operation 15 000 00 Repairs 30 000 00 4 837 886 98 15000 00 Improvements 32 450 66 For Buildings (Balance of Bien2S OOO 00 nium Appropriation) 25 00000 15 00000 Library Building Addition 15 00000 128 495 98 Lincoln Hall Addition 11 12816 Materials Testing Laboratory.. 50 000 00 20 OOO 00 For Special Purposes IS 961 69 4 8 036 69 3 86; 7 7 I 8 I Agricultural Experiment Sta289 358 5 tion, Cook County 5 122 055 1 9 4 1 4 3 74 1 1 School of Journalism 5 33 1 3 0 From United States Grants 1 750 42 5 Land Grant of 1862 (Interest on Endowment) 6 5 74 2 8 04 0 Morrill Act of 1890. 8 0 3 042 9 6 1 Nelson Act of 1007 6 906 1 9 66 7 Hatch Act of 1881 679 2 4 92 1 Adams Act of 1906 1 7 8 6 24 0 4 Smith-Lever Act of 1914 11 7 7 6 Smith-Lever Supplementary Act of 1928 7 6 3 432 58 9 Purnell Act of 1925 Capper-Ketcham Act of 1928 1 54 1 7 2 2 Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 3 2 086 2 5 1 3*>9 610 3 3 From Student Feesfor £28,379.10 refunds. •After allowing (Net)1 From Department Sales and Miscellaneous Agriculture Others. From McKinley Endowment From Adjustment of Book Balances to Actual Inventories of Storerooms Total Income Total Available Resources Charges to Income Disbursements from Appropriations (See Sch. D)... Reserve for Orders and Contracts Outstanding (See Sch. D ) Balances Income Accounts Balances ofto Trust Accounts Income (See Sch. D ) . June 30, IQ2Q (Sch. Reap propria tion r, 1928 transResearch Subject to H ) ferred in Charges. Balance Income. Unappropriated General Total Athletics Agricultural July
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