Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 263 ADDITIONS TO CONTRACT FOR GENERAL. W O R K O N LINCOLN HALL ADDITION H. (12) The Supervising Architect requests approval of the following additions to J. Hunzinger's contract for the general work on the Lincoln Hall Addition: Additional plastering on the fourth floor $4 900 00 Construct three additional dormers as per architect's drawingssheets 58 and 59 1 275 00 Additional ornamental plaster in Lincoln Hall lecture room.... 4 900 00 Insulite mastic flooring 1/8* in thickness on approximately 12,440 sq. ft. of museumfloorsin Lincoln Hall in accordance with proposal of Insulite Chemical C o m p a n y 2 350 95 Install sound-absorbent on ceiling of lecture hall—2900 sq. ft. @ .70 2 030 00 Painting of lecture hall, approximate areas: 1066 sq. yds. flat surface; 415 sq. yds. ornamental surface; 270 sq. yds. Total surface tinted ?2o 000 00 acoustical Additions 2 350 95 H e states that either competitive bids were obtained for this additional work, General painting of rooms in old part of Lincoln Hall which were or otherfiguresweredamaged by orderconstruction work necessarily obtained in new to check Mr. Hunzinger's proposals to00 this 1 900 do work as additions to his contract. President Kinley states that these proposals appear to be proper and advisable and that he concurs in the Supervising Architect's request that these additions be approved. O n motion of Mr. Barr, these additions were approved. LIGHTNING RODS FOR LINCOLN HALL ADDITION AND MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY (13) The Supervising Architect submits the following schedule of bids for lightning Lincoln Hall Materials Addition rods on Lincoln Hall Addition and the Materials Testing Laboratory: Testing Laboratory J. L. Oakes $ 862 25 $1 477 88 722 00 1 272 00 St. Louis Lightning Rod Company. 713 15 1 590 55 Wipke Lightning Rod Company. . . 1 3*9 55 Miller Lightning Rod Company 1 347 00 1 771 co H e recommends that contracts be awarded to the lowest bidders who, in the case of Lincoln Hall Addition, are the Wipke Lightning Rod Company of Kirkwood, Mo., at their bid of £713.15, and in the case of the Materials Testing Laboratory are the St. Louis Lightning Rod Company at their bid of $1,272. President Kinley concurs in this recommendation. O n motion of Mr. Barr, these contracts were awarded to the lowest bidder in each case, as recommended. PUMPS FOR MATERIALS TESTING LABORATORY (14) The Supervising Architect presented the following schedule of bids which had been obtained by the Purchasing Agent for pumps forWorks, Chicago Laboratory: Company, Manufacturing Materials Testing Company, Chicago P u m p Allis Chalmers American Well Aurora P u m p Chicago Company, A urora Chicago 13,500-gallon ca$4 7°8 $5 54° 2,000-gallon capacity 1 168 1 730 J 2 040 1,000-gallon ca$1 312 1 082 1 075 1 286 500-gallon capacity 656 492 54i