Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PORTRAIT OF PROFESSOR FREDERICK GREEN *S3 (25) The faculty, alumni, and students of the College of L a w offer the University a portrait of Professor Frederick Green, painted by Professor Charles E. Bradbury. A committee appointed by m e to pass on the artistic quality of this portrait, as required by the rules of the Board, commends the portrait and recommends its acceptance. I recommend that the portrait be accepted. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this portrait was accepted. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (26) T h e following report from the Comptroller on contracts a n d purchase orders of $1,000 or m o r e executed since the last report w a s m a d e to the Board. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER MAY 12, 1929, TO JUNE 6, 1929 Contracts executed under special authorization of the Board of Trustees in meeting, Name Item M a y 17, 1929. Western Brick Company Cooperative investigaA mount Date tion of concrete made Western Fuel Company $6.00 $5 000net ton to Au- June 21, 1929 with light aggregate M a y i, 1929 gust 1, 1929, and $6.35 Approximately 1,500 tons August 1, 1929, to Pocahontas Mine R u n M a y 1, 1930 F. L. Graves M a y 29, 1929 Coal for Chicago DeLoss in yield to be paid partments by University to be paid M a y 29, 1929 Experimental spraying in Loss in yield C. J. Thomas 9 acre peach orchard at by University Villa Ridge, Illinois Miscellaneous contract executed under general regulations: Experimental spraying Name Amount Date on 1,200 Item trees at peach Pathe Exchange, Inc. $220 M a y 3, 1929 Rental of Illinois Carbondale,14 historical motion picturefilmsfor Summer Session PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN MAY AMOUNTING TO Department Firm Description Amount General Chemical E. H. Sargent $1000 OR MORE and Chemical Apparatus 31864 34 Stores General Chemical Stores General Chemical Stores General Chemical Stores Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Physical Plant Supervising Architect Supervising Architect General Chemical Stores Company Rascher and Betzold Chemical Apparatus Chemical Apparatus Chemical Apparatus Generator Sets Testing Transformers Coal Condulets Wire Chemicals 2442 S3 1625 38 1458 70 7292 00 3000 00 1600 00 1266 57 1272 S3 1245 70 Procedure Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Competitive Quoted Quoted» Competitive Competitive Competitive Schaar and Company Chicago Apparatus Company General Electric Company General Electric Company Electric Coal Company Electrical Appliance Company Illinois Electric Company Henry Heil Chemical Company