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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

252 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 11 Physiology 4 $ 3 50 T. & A. M. 26 J 1 50 Physiology 6 3 50 T. & A. M. 29 2 50 Physiology? 3 50 Zoologyl 3 2 J Physio ogy 9 3 50 Zool0|£2 J /Q Physiology 102 3 50 7 i l ^ *' Physiology .03 3 50 %^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ * % Psychology 3 1 00 Zoology 6 4 00 Psychology 4 1 00 Zoology 9 (per cr. hr.) 1 00 Public Speaking „ 5 00 g £ g »-(—-j^;;;;;;;;; * ~ Railway Engineering 62 3 00 Zoology 16 1 00 ~ . , . Zoology 17 - 25 i Spanish 25 5° Zoology 18 (per cr.hr.) 106 T. & A. M. 10 1 50 Zoology 22 400 T. & A. M. 15 1 50 Zoology 23 (per cr. hr.) 1 00 T. & A. M. 16 1 00 Zoology 63 4 00 T. & A. M. 25 2 50 Zoology 66 4 00 On motion of Mr. Barr, these fees were authorized. SPECIAL FEE FOR COURSE IN ANATOMY (22) On recommendation of the Head of the Department of Anatomy and the Dean of the College of Medicine, the Provost and the Comptroller recommend that a special fee of $100 a semester be charged for the material of the course "Anatomy 62," a special course in dissection, which may be shared by not more than two students. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of Dr. Noble, this fee w a s authorized. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (23) I report the following gifts: Eli Lilly and Company of Indianapolis, manufacturers of pharmaceutical and biological products, have offered to renew the Lilly Research Fellowship in the College of Medicine for the academic year 1929-30. This fellowship amounts to J1,800 a year and is for a study of allergy to secure information about such diseases as hay fever and asthma. The General Electric Company has offered to donate to the Department of Electrical Engineering two 110-15,000 volt, single-phase transformers of low current capacity, valued at approximately $40. The American Society of Civil Engineers, which has contributed $1,200 a year for the past three years for the employment of two Research Graduate Assistants on the Reinforced Concrete Arch Investigation, has offered to continue these assistantships for the year 1929-30, and has sent the University $1,200 to cover the stipend. Mr. A. B. Seymour of the Farlow Cryptogamic Herbarium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, has donated a number of centuries of Illinois plants, and more are to follow. Mr. E. R. Bogusch, formerly of the Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas, and now Assistant in Taxonomy here, has presented to the Herbarium 1,500 specimens of Texas plants having a market value of approximately $150. Since all these gifts comply with the conditions of acceptance of gifts laid down by your authority I have authorized their acceptance. This report w a s received for record. WILLIS PRENTICE KIMBLE LOAN FUND (24) Mrs. Willis Prentice Kimble, whose late husband was a member of the Class to Mrs. Kimble. ofthethis sums to be loaned andstudents to membersoneof money to of 1879, motion providing offer be accepted tothis fund whotothe Board individual. more, are usedand that their to of madecourse." sum $100 have be the sophohelpOthem Kimble wishesPresident and notfrom thethe thanks of anyneedadopted. whichn has offered M r .loans UniversityBoardexcess ofof Ji ,000 were "Added to funds I junior, in senior Simpson, these recommendations to of extended Mrs. in completing classes, the in recommend
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