Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

254 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June II General Chemical Mallinckrodt Chemical Chemicals #253899 Competitive Stores Works Supervising Arch- Walrus Manufacturing Tables 2279 32 Competitive1 itect Company Physics Kelley-Koett ManuTransformers 1000 00 Quoted facturing Company 'Arranged by Mr. J. A. Morrow. *Approved by Board of Trustees. H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent On motion of Dr. Noble, this report was received for record. OFFER OF FUNDS FROM TRUSTEE OF MUTUAL BENEFIT HOSPITAL FUND (27) The Trustee of the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, Dean Thomas Arkle Clark, offers ¥4,500 from that fund for the purchase of equipment and supplies for the McKinley Hospital for the year 1929-30. This procedure is in accordance with the regulations of the Fund and I recommend that the offer be accepted. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this assignment of m o n e y w a s accepted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS FLORENCE HARDING (28) Director Windsor recommends that Miss Florence Harding, Librarian in charge of the Modern Language Seminar, be given leave of absence without pay for six weeks during the summer in order that she m a y go abroad. I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, this leave w a s granted. WORK ON ELECTRICAL LABORATORY (29) A statement from the Supervising Architect that the contractor, A. W . Stoolman, on the Electrical Engineering Laboratory had not yet begun the work. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , the President of the B o a r d w a s directed to notify M r . S t o o l m a n that his b o n d s m e n will b e held responsible if this building is not ready for o c c u p a n c y in S e p t e m b e r b y reason of his delay in c o m m e n c i n g the w o r k . LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR LIBRARY, LINCOLN HALL, AND M A T E R I A L S TESTING L A B O R A T O R Y (30) At the May meeting, the Supervising Architect submitted bids received for lightingfixturesfor the third unit of the Library, the Lincoln Hall addition, and the Materials Testing Laboratory (Minutes, page 192), but made no recommendation for the award of contracts except for the Library Addition, which contract was awarded to the Hughes-Krabbe Company of Champaign on the basis of their low bid of $886. H e now recommends that the contract for lighting fixtures for the other two buildings be awarded to the General Electric Supply Corporation of Chicago on the basis of their low bid in each case, viz., For the Addition to Lincoln Hall $1 195 89 For the Materials Testing Laboratory 1 953 80 I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, these contracts w e r e a w a r d e d to the lowest bidders, as r e c o m m e n d e d . CONTRACT FOR CLASSROOM CHAIRS FOR LINCOLN HALL ADDITION (31) The Supervising Architect submits the following bids received for 840 classroom chairs for the Lincoln Hall Addition: American Seating C o f 4 610 00 Baird-Swannell, Inc 4 788 00 and recommends that the order be placed with the American Seating Company, the lower bidder. I concur.