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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] Degrees in Dentistry B.S D.D.S Total 27 U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 217 3 24 Degrees in Pharmacy Ph.C Certificate in Pharmacy Total 101 Total, Departments in Chicago 218 Total, All Departments, June Total in February TOTAL, ALL DEPARTMENTS, 1929, TO DATE 2201 101 131 1977 224 COLLEGE O F LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Gertrude Abercrombie Eva Maye Benton, with George Melvin Ackerman, III Honors in French Virginia Adam Fred John Berner, with Honors Edward Lawrence Adams, Jr., in English with Honors in History Walter Bennett Besley Marjorie Katherine Alcorn Dorothy Adelaide Bevier Mason Bertyn Aldrich, with Honors Gudrun Olivia Birger in English Frederick Raymond Bowen Billie G Alexander Eulalia Grace Breese, with Helen Johnston Alexander Honors in Latin Phyllis Marion Alexander, with Betty Mary Brennan Honors in Latin Olivia Gould Brennan Georgia Frances Alkire Lora Kathryn Briggs Josephine Allen Helen Honora Britton William Palmer Amerson Dorothy Alene Brodersen Edward Eric Anderson, with Dale Earl Brown High Honors in Philosophy Everett Wohlfarth Brown Lois Armstrong Margaret Johanne Buehler ROy Martin Asher Charles Calvin Buhrman Nancy Letcher Atkinson Gordon Bunney Mildred Elizabeth Austin Josephine McNally Burdett Martha Amelia Baethke Laura Dunaway Butler Roy Everett Baird, with High Barbara Vergene Campbell Honors in Journalism John Hannibal Carter, with Maurine Wilma Baker, with Honors in Latin Honors in History Mary Helen Chadwick Bruce Ned Balding Colleta Marie Clancy James William Ballard, with Mason John Clarke, with Honors in Physics Honors in P l t c l Science oiia Frances Ruth Banta Ray Bromley Clarke George Francis Barrett, Jr. Jessie Ellen Claytor Eva Margaret Bassett, with Francis Patrick Conlon Honors theLatin Douglas Denis Considine, Jr. 'Showing in completion of three years' work—not counted as degrees. Mildred Elizabeth Baumann Frederick Stanley Coombs, Jr. Sara Elizabeth Belton Faye Emma Corner John Howard Benjamin Louis Charles Cotie Madelyn Gertrude Bentley Geneva Couberly Eva Faye Benton, with Neva Maurine Covey Honors in English
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