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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

218 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June ii Judith Ethel Cox, with Honors in Latin Marion Kendall Craine Helen Louise Cramer Virginia Bartlit Csaver Elinor Josselyn Crook Wilford Oakland Cross Vance Stuart Cummins Florence Mae Curtis Theodore Oliver Cutright Almyra Frances Dameier William Orville Damron George Stanley Daniels Gwendolyn Dargel, with Honors in French Edith May Davis, with Honors in Mathematics Mabel Deere, with Honors in English Frances Baghot De la Bere Robert James Carr Dell Carter Mitchell Dewey Arthur Edward Dillner Jane Dillon Arnold Joel Doescher Mary Elizabeth Doolittle John Richard Drees Robert McCulloch Drummond Dorothy Catharine Duncan Miles William Dunnington, with Honors i History n Helen Marcelline Duvall Richard Campbell Dyas Wendell Lee East Robert Alfred Edgerton Marjorie Lyle Egbers Mary Ann Eidman Ruth Marguerite Einhaus, with Honors i Mathematics n Irving Eisenstein Sidney Everette Ekblaw, with High Honors i Geology n Ronald Oscar Ekholm Edythe Eller Clarence Peter Engelsman Ava Marie Ennis Mildred Leigh Enns Charles Arthur Everett Dorothy Alice Eyman Mildred Joyce Faulkner Ruth Marie Fedder Edward Ferguson, Jr. Sarah Catherine Ferrall Victor Eugene Ferrall Helen Louise Ficker Alvin Texas nFisher Robert BruceFiscus with Alva AlbertSophia Fischer Marguerite i Filbey, FranklinMayFishman Dorothy Wixon Fietsch Honors French Louise Horning Ford Mary Frances Foster Alfred Blair French John Lawrence Friedl, Jr., with Honors in History Genevieve Gertrude Frison Jeanette Ethel Fry Nedra Funk Lucia Harriett Gardner Franklin Davis Garrison Harold Lor an Geisert Nina Lucille Ghent Sara Jeannette Gibson Dolores Jane Gillen Cecile Gray Gilroy, with Honors in French Sarah Ginsberg, with Honors in History Mary Margaret Glenn Jonathan Hurff Glidden WlLBERT GlBBS WlLSON GlOS Marion Parker Goar Florence Helene Goodfellow Isma Irene Gravelot Margaret Edna Graves, with Honors in Economics Jeanette Gertrude Greeley Martin Lincoln Green, with Honors i French n Paul Montgomery Greenwell Elizabeth Adeline Gregory Harold Bernard Groh, with Honors in Economics Frances Wilhelmina Groth Darlene Gubbins Ruth Elizabeth Gustafson Gwendolyn Louise Gwin Archie Martin Hall Doris Evelyn Hall Marjory Isabel Hall John King Hamilton Roger Emory Hammaker Maxine Dorothy Hammerschmidt Florence Marjorie Hand Gordon Keith Harper Scott Nathaniel Harper Frances Klor Hartman, with Honors in History Harold Henry Hartung Maxine Brownlow Hawkins Earle Hazelip Grace Cecelia Heideman Ernest William Heimerdinger Frederic Walter Heineman, with Honors i Philosophy n Lillian Adeline Hitch Anne Marguerite Henderson FrancesVerle A Hirst Alice Elizabeth Henne Audree Ruth Mary Herr KathrynEElizabeth Hendricks W Hill
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