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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2l6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June ii MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. DEGREES TO BE CONFERRED IN JUNE (i) The Secretary has the recommendations of the University Senate for degrees which were conferred at the Commencement exercises of the Chicago Departments on June 8; degrees to be conferred at the exercises in Urbana-Champaign on June 12; and degrees to be conferred at the end of the S u m m e r Session, the latter subject to the completion of certain requirements. I request approval of the conferring of degrees at the exercises in Chicago on June 8; and authority to confer degrees in accordance with the recommendations of the University Senate on June 12; and the same authority to confer degrees on recommendation of the University Senate at the end of the Summer Session when the requirements of the candidates concerned have been met. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , approval of the conferring of degrees in C h i c a g o w a s given, a n d authority to confer degrees as r e c o m m e n d e d w a s granted. SUMMARY OF DEGREES, JUNE, 1929 Honorary Degrees Doctor of Laws 3 Degrees in the Graduate School A.M 84 M.S 75 C.E 2 E.E 2 M.E 4 Ph.D 36 Total 203 Baccalaureate Degrees A.B 455 B.S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences 46 B.S. in Commerce 212 B.S. in Engineering 236 B.S. in Agriculture • 100 B.Mus H B.S. in Library Science 91 B.L.S 1 B.S. in Education 308 B.S. in Journalism 21 Total 1484 Degrees in Law B.S 4 LL.B 60 J.D 5 Total 69 Total, Colleges and Schools at Urbana 1759 Degrees in Medicine B.S 9° Certificate in Medicine 1181 TotalShowing the completion of four years' work—not counted aa degrees. 9°
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