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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

igig] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS OFFER FROM THE CHEMICAL FOUNDATION I49 (17) The Chemical Foundation has offered 57,000 to the University for the research work which Professor Roger Adams is doing on the organic chemicals for the treatment of lepers; $2,750 of this is to be used to pay the salary of a skilled research assistant of experience, and the remainder for the preparation of material for testing lepers in the Philippines and for carrying on the program here at the University. The Foundation attaches no conditions to its offer. I recommend that this gift be accepted. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, this gift w a s accepted. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (18) Under the rules of the Board, I have authorized the acceptance of the following gifts: 1. From Professor George W . Myers of the University of Chicago, his library of about 700 books, including 300 works on mathematics, astronomy, mathematical pedagogy, and philosophy. 2. From the Modern Coal Burner Company of Chicago, one of their type A-24 stokers to the department of mechanical engineering. The commercial value of this stoker is $350. 3. From Judge A. W . Summers of Eldorado, forty-seven volumes of law books, including some rare text books and some early Illinois township, city, and village laws. This report w a s received for record. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (19) The following report from the Comptroller on contracts and purchase orders executed since the last report. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER FROM FEBRUARY 9, 1929, TO M A R C H 7, rg2g Miscellaneous contracts executed under general regulations: Name Amount Date Item Otis Elevator $21 monthly January 31, 1929 Maintenance of passenger elevator in ArchitecCompany ture Building for 5 years from January 1, 1929 Amount Procedure Otis Elevator $24 monthly January 31, 1929 Maintenance of passenger elevator in Library gi035 00 Quoted Company Second Unit for 5 years from January r, 1929 Competitive SI578 PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN FEBRUARY AMOUNTING 17 TO $1000 OR M O R E Dprmn eatet Firm Dsrpin ecito Animal Hayes Grain and ComCotton seed meal Husbandry mission Company General Chemi- E. H. Sargent Company Pyrex tubing cal Stores This report w a s received for record. ADJUSTMENT IN BUDGET OF COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY (20) On request of Dean Noyes, I recommend that the appropriation of $800 provided under special non-recurring appropriations (Minutes, June 29, page 738) for the purchase of a violet-ray machine, be released for the purpose of securing other equipment to be used in research and graduate work, on the recommendation of the Dean and approval of the President. O n motion of D r . N o b l e , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s approved. LATE REGISTRATION FEE FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL (21) On recommendation of the Dean of the Graduate School, endorsed by the Comptroller, I recommend that the regulation governing late registration in the Graduate School be changed to read as follows: Registration, including the payment of fees, must be completed by the close of the registration days of the Graduate School. Otherwise, a fee of J5.00 for late registration will be charged all former students. O n motion of M r . S i m p s o n , this rule w a s adopted.
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