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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ISO BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 12 R E T U R N O F PROFESSOR E. W. L E H M A N N (22) Professor E. W. Lehmann, Head of the Department of Farm Mechanics, who was given leave of absence without pay for thefirstsemester (Minutes, October 13, page 52), returned to duty on February 1. I have, therefore, authorized him to resume his position on his regular salary at full rate, beginning February 1, 1929. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , this action w a s confirmed. REPORTONSAL.E AND REINVESTMENT OF TRUST FUNDSECURIT1 ES (23) At the January 9 meeting of the Board (Minutes, page 122) the Finance Committee recommended the sale of certain securities representing trust funds and the purchase from the proceeds of certain other securities as reinvestment of these funds, and the Board approved these recommendations. The Comptroller submits the following report on the sale and the investment thereof: March 9, 1929 President David Kinley, 35$ Administration Building, West My Dear President Kinley: I submit this report of investment transactions as per instructions of the Board of Trustees of January 9, 1929. The report includes a list of the securities which the Board directed to be sold and of the amount received from the sale. It also shows the purchases made from the proceeds of this sale from items approved by the Board of Trustees. These securities are exceptionally high grade and have been difficult to buy. This fact accounts for the time which has elapsed since the order of the Board was made. There remains on hand in various permanent funds the total sum of $1,733.14 available for investment. This sum includes the excess of sales over purchases, indicated in the enclosed report. Unless otherwise instructed, I will see that additional securities from the list already approved by the Board are purchased to approximately cover the balance of cash on hand. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller REPORT ON SALE OF SECURITIES AND REINVESTMENT OF FUNDS IN A CCORDA NCE W I T H T H E ACTION OF T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES January p, / . p p? SECURITIES SOLD Security Par Value Sale Price Net Total American Telephone and Telegraph $ 4 500 00 5C 103 y£ Company, 5%, 1946 4M ioi'A $ 4 671 25 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 4%, 1948 IS 000 00 92K 13 797 Si Chicago Union Station, s%, 1944 13 00000 102 13 227 50 Commonwealth Edison Company, s%. 1953.. 5 000 00 103 s 'So 00 Federal Land Bank of Houston, \M%, 1943- • 1 000 00 g$}4 985 00 FederalLandBankofWichita,4>4%, 1943... 2 000 00 9 8 % 1 972 50 First Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago, 4J<%, 1954/34 1 000 00 100K 1 007 so Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 5%, 1956 . . 700000 i04j< 7 288 75 Illinois Central Railroad Company, Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans Railroad Company, 4 # % , Series C, 1963 8 000 00 95 7 584 00 Louisville Gas and Electric Company, 5%, 1952 8 500 00 5C 101H 8M I03# 8 794 38 Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, 5%, Series F, 1977 8 000 00 98 "4 7 880 00 New York Edison Company, 5%, 1944 8 000 00 104 8 320 00 Western States Telegraph Company,Illinois, 16000 00 Northern Union Power Company, s M , 1939 New 5%. 1956 Company of Northern % .5%, $105 2000 00 Public Service 1951 Telephone Company, i X % 1950 1 000 00 York s 101K 151968 00 $104 845 89 102X 5 125 00 100 103 1 014 50 060 00
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