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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a r c h 12 2. In the minor subjects, 20 hours in one or two departments designated by the department in which the major subject is pursued, and approved by the faculty, with not less than 8 hours in each department, i two subjects are f chosen. 3. Thirty hours of the work taken in the junior and senior years must be in courses not open ordinarily to freshmen or sophomores. D. Electives. 1. All courses offered by the departments of this college except those exclusively for students in other colleges. 2. The total credit in art and design is limited to 20 hours. 3. Not more than 36 hours' credit toward graduation will be given for courses offered in other colleges and schools of this University, aside from the first year's work in the College of Medicine, and courses acceptable for major and minor credits. Such courses must be selected from a list approved by the Faculty. E. The degree of Bachelor of Science will be granted in lieu of the degree of Bachelo of Arts to students whose major is in mathematics, a science, or home economics, on petition to the Dean not later than six weeks preceding the granting of the degree. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, these requirements were adopted. COMMUNICATION CONCERNING UNIVERSITY'S PATENT POLICY FROM STATE BOARD OF NATURAL. RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION (15) The following letter from the Secretary of the State Board of Natural Resources and Conservation: February 15, 1929 President David Kinley, University of Illinois Deak President Kinley: The following motions passed by the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation yesterday at Springfield have some relation to questions of University policy, especially, as Professor Buswell is an employee both of the University and of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation: It was moved that the Board approve of a policy by which the University shall take out patents for processes developed by the Water Survey, the patents to be assigned to the University and used for the benefit of the University and the public. It was moved that the directors of the Geological and Water Surveys be authorized to enter into cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey in the study of problems connected with the drilling of wells for water and that the director of the Board in conjunction with the committees in charge of the two Surveys may make such changes in the budgets asked for as may be necessary. It is understood that the work undertaken shall be on a genuine cooperative basis. Yours sincerely, W. A. Noyes Secretary, Board of Natural Resources and Conservation The purport of this action is that the University's policy with reference to patents of discoveries and inventions by people in its employ shall be extended to those who are employed in the State Surveys (the State Water Survey, State Geological Survey, and the State Natural History Survey) and that the State Board of Natural Resources and Conservation surrenders to the University all of its rights and privileges in this matter. O n motion of D r . Noble, this delegation of rights w a s accepted. OFFERS FROM AMERICAN MEDICAL. ASSOCIATION (16) The Committee on Scientific Research of the American Medical Association has appropriated $300 to aid Dr. B. Z. Rappaport, Hospital Pathologist and Director, in his work on ascariasis, and $300 to Dr. C. I. Reed, Assistant Professor of Physiology and O n motion Chemistry, to aid these work on the effects of phototherapy, etc. Physiological of D r . Noble, in offers. I recommend acceptance of these his gifts were accepted.
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