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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Land, cont'd public hearing regarding acquisition by University, 3o4 transfer from Illinois Department of Central Management Services for teaching nursing home, 452 transfer to Central Management Services for State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, 433 Chicago campus, acquisition program, actions by City of Chicago, 529 authority of Executive Committee to acquire by purchase or condemnation, 64, 117 authority of university counsel to acquire bv purchase or condemnation, 64, 117, 503 report, 259, 440, 459 Chicago campus (east side), lease to South Water Market Association, 530 not executed, 530 Kentucky, hazardous waste site at Maxey Flats, University's share of costs for cleaning, 103 Macoupin County, farmland near Carlinvilfe, sale by University, 27 Piatt County, property known as Allerton, Piatt South # 1 , acquisition, 286 Rantoul, Chanute Air Force Base, University's acquisition, 67 St. Joseph Township, named CCDC-Collins Memorial Woods, f>7 Urbana, California Avenue, property at 1005 West, acquisition, 66 Land Design Collaborative, Inc., contract, 569 Landscaping work, contract, Urbana, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, 145 Lange, D. A., appointment, 446 Lansing, C , member of Center for Advanced Study, 485 Large Animal Clinic (Urbana), contract, HVAC improvements, 451 LaSalle National Bank, lease agreement, 65 recision of board action, 150 LaSalle National Trust (Chicago), lease agreement, Lash, J. P., appointment, 554 Latin American Studies Program (Chicago campus), director, appointment, 8 Latino students (Urbana), chancellor's report regarding issues, 4 hearing regarding treatment during demonstrations attended by senators, 98 Illinois State Senate resolution regarding issues of concern, 4 Latino Studies program (Urbana), plans to improve programming, 4 Laundry (Chicago campus), possible closing, 260 discussion concerning transfer of employees, Trustee Bacon's request for report, 415 Laundry services, contract, Chicago campus, Hospital, University, 313, 521 Law, W. R., appointment, 51 Law, College of (Urbana), dean, appointment, 265 degrees, conferred, 71, 98, 152, 292, 360, 454, 577 Law, College of, Building (Urbana), addition and remodeling, contract, flooring work, increase, 287, 328 general work, increase, 95 site hardscape work, 213 contracts, report of award, 31 project budget increase, 328 Lawless, C. M., appreciation certificate, 260 installation, 5 report, 169 Chicago campus, new publications, 134 problems with Illinois Student Assistance Commission, 77, 105 student laureate of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois, 134 Layman, D. K., appointment, 49 Lease, Champaign, Airport, University, hangar facilities, Nogle & Black Mechanical, Inc., 222 Neil Street, property at 1817 South, 284 601 Lease, cont'd United States Army Corps of Engineers, amendment, 355 Chicago, Annex Office Building, 375 Delaware Place, property at 60 East, 375 850 West Jackson Building, 65 recision of board action, 150 ground lease with AMVETS for teaching nursing home, 452 Jackson Boulevard, property at 850 West, 528 910 West Van Buren Building, 150 Reliable Building Annex, 246 renewal, 221 Rice Building, 325 South Water Market, 460 Van Buren Street, property at 815 West, 325 property at 910 West, termination, 65 property at 1033 West, 246 renewal, 221 Westgate Center Building, termination, 65 Chicago campus, property on east side to South Water Market Association, 530 not executed, 530 Darien, Cass Avenue, property at 8205 South, 326 Springfield, Washington Street, property at 2815 West, 571 Leases, increase in dollar limit of leases requiring specific board approval, 430 Leaves of absence, administrative, 233, 516 canceled, 233 family and medical, new policy, approved, 347 sabbatical, 193, 233, 468, 517 Leberman, K. W., member of advisory committee, Lecture Center (Chicago campus), contract, demolition and renovation, supplemental funding, 352 Lee, G. B., member of advisory committee, 300 Lee, J-H., appointment, 51 Lee, M. W-L., UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, 306 Leff, C. S., appointment, 344 Legionnaire's Disease threat (Chicago campus), 365 Leipold, A., appointment, 52 Leuzinger, P. V , member of advisory committee, 8 Levin, S. J., appointment, 193 Levy Company, contract, 32 Lewis, C. G., appointment, 52 Lewis, M. A., appointment, 371 Liang, Z-P., appointment, 419 Liao, X., appointment, 446 Liay, L., presentation to board concerning activities of Alumni Association, 549 Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (Chicago campus), consolidation of English and Linguistics Departments, 140 consolidation of French and Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese Departments, 141 degree, Bachelor of Arts in Black Studies, redesignated, 34 Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Theater, divided and transferred, 139 Bachelor of Arts in Judaic Studies, discontinued, 268 Bachelor of Arts in Music, transferred, 139 Bachejor of Arts in the Teaching of Italian, eliminated, 141 Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of Polish, discontinued, 268 Bachelor of Science in Criminalistics, discontinued, 269 Bachelor of Science in the Teaching of Earth Science, discontinued, 270 Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology, established, 267 P 7 . . Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice, established, 44b Master of Arts in Communication and Theater, divided and transferred, 140 degrees, conferred, 289, 290, 291, 574, 575, 576
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