UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 614]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Loewenherz-Lawrence, D., appointment, 370 Loom is Laboratory (Urbana), contract, masonry repairs, 451 renovation, architectural services, 179 engineering services, 179 Lopez, A. N., Civil Service Merit Board representative, 167 concerns about low representations of minorities in high level administrative positions, 542 concerns about Maxwell Street Market, 554 new member of board, installation, 128 Lopez litigation, settlement, 512, 528 Loyola Electrical Construction Co., contract, 564 Loyola University, settlement of charges, 327 Lucht, R. P., appointment, 138 Luer, M. S., appointment, 343 Lund, E. R., appointment, 53 Lund, P. S., appointment, 389 Lysakowski, A., appointment, 419 M&O Abatement Company, cost-plus contract, 277 MacGregor, A. P., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Mackin, T. J., appointment, 371 Macoupin County, sale of farmland by University, Madonick, M. D., appointment, 344 Magett, D., member of advisory committee, 7 Maiman, T. J., member of advisory board, 303 Maintenance/storage facility (Urbana), 113 Major, Urbana, agronomy revised, 572 East Asian languages and cultures, designated, 519 East Asian studies, redesignated and revised, 6 519 general agriculture, discontinued, 236 general home economics, discontinued, 236 Makri, N., appointment, 80 member of Center for ,Advanced Study, 190 Malaviya, P., appointment, 79 Managed care administrative services, contract, Hospital, University, 522 Managed Care Department (Chicago campus), contract, third-party collections, 372 Managed care operations (Chicago campus), contract, review/audit, 422 Management, Department of (Chicago campus), head, appointment, 341 Management services, contract, Chicago campus, Eye and Ear Infirmary, 396 Mankin, A., appointment, 446 Manning, S., appointment, 551 interviewed Torposition of vice president for academic affairs, 538 Marcoot, R., member of advisory committee, 7 Marcovich, M., honorary degree, 171 Marion, L. N., appointment, 467 Marks and Lundy, consultants for University Foundation campaign, 76 Marquez, A., appointment, 467 Martin, E. R., appointment, 419 Masonry work, contract, Chicago campus, Paulina Street parking structure, 564 Urbana, Mumford Hall, chimney repairs, 276 Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls, 217 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, discontinued, 237 Massat, C. R., appointment, 108 Master plan, Chicago campus, addendum, 64, 94, 8 V 117,503 recision of authority to condemn 1401-1409 South Halsted Street, 431 Materials Research Facilities (Urbana), contract, renovation, air conditioning work, 567 architectural services, 568 electrical work, 568 engineering services, 568 fire protection work, 568 general work, 567 heating work, 567 piping work, 567 plumbing work, 567

Liberal Arts and Sciences, cont'd minor, Jewish Studies, established, 151 music, transferred, 139 nonsalaried clinical faculty, 53, 377 specialization in environmental earth sciences, established, 475 Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (Urbana), Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics, discontinued, 391 dean, appointment, 465 degree, Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of French, revised, 288 Doctor of Psychology, discontinued, 390 Master of Arts in Public Administration, discontinued, 390 Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies, established, 141 degrees, conferred, 72, 98, 153, 292, 360, 406, 455, 578 geology and geophysics curriculum, revised, 151 interim dean, appointment, 466 major, Asian Studies, redesignated and revised, East Asian Languages and Cultures, designated, 519 minor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, established, 287 English as a Second Language, established, Jewish Culture and Society, established, 435 philosophy, established, 254 Portuguese, established, 34 sciences and letters curriculum, general education requirements, revised, 532 transference of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, 497 Librarian, University (Urbana), appointment, 387 Library (Chicago campus), nonsalaried clinical facF ulty, 53, 378 Library (Urbana campus), administrative structure, reorganization, 496 Lichtensteiger, C. A., appointment, 52 Lie, J. I., appointment, 109 Lien, E. L., member of advisory committee, 301 Life Sciences, School of (Urbana), differential tuition for units, established, 196 Lighting fixtures, contract, relamping, washing, and servicing, Auxiliary Services Buildings (Chicago campus), 279, 563 Chicago campus, 279, 563 Lincoln Academy of Illinois, student laureate, 134 Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (Urbana), contract, dining rooms, air conditioning, electrical work, 216 general work, 216 ventilation work, 216 egress paths upgrading, electrical work, 425 general work, 425 electrical service upgrade, electrical work, 216 general work, 216 egress paths upgrading, withdrawal of bid, 425 Lincoln Land Community College, intergovernmental agreement witn University, 470 Lincoln Office Supply Company, Inc., contract, increase, 358 Lind, R. A., appointment, 51 Lindquist, T., appointment, 487 Linguistics, Department of (Chicago campus), consolidation with Department oT English, 140 Lippman, M. R., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Lithotripsy services, contract, 316, 558 Little, D. R., member of advisory committee, 7 Littlefield, D. C , appointment to Athletic Board, 302 Liu, J. W. S., member of Center for Advanced Study, 417 Liu, L., appointment, 344 Liu, L. Y., appointment, 138 Livingston, Park, Health Walk (Chicago), designated, 18 Lloyds of London, contract, 248 not executed, 249