UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 607]

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Fire protection work, contract, Champaign, Gerty Drive Building, 241 Chicago campus, Clinical Sciences Building, remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 211 Urbana, Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 145 Grainger Engineering Library Information housing warehouse, 276 Illini Union, warehouse, 252 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 568 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 254 Public Safety Building, 251 Fire Suppression Systems, contract, 276 Firing range (Champaign), improvements, 174 First National Bank of Chicago, escrow agent and bond registrar in connection with Series 1993 revenue Dond issue, 238 facsimile signatures, resolution, 167 Fischer, L. L., member of advisory committee, 300 Fish, G. L., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 551 Fisher, Albright 8c Masters, Inc., contract, 61, 111 Flight training courses (Urbana), fees, increases, 8 266, 491 8 Flightstar Corporation, Airport, University of IIlinois-Willard, agreement, amendment, 88 Flooring work, contract, Champaign, IntramuralPhysical Education Building, i80 Urbana, Law, College of, Building, addition and remodeling, increase, 2877 328 Flowers, J., litigation, settlement, 161 Flowers, M. C , appointment, 420 Fontana, S. A., appointment, 419 Food and agribusiness management (Urbana), concentration in, established, 33 Food Science, Department of (Urbana), advisory committee, appointments, 7, 300 Forestry, Department of (Urbana), advisory committee, appointments, 7, 300 Forum area (Chicago campus), contract, demolition and renovation, supplemental funding, 352 Foster McGaw Hospital, settlement of charges, 327 Foundation, University, agreement with University, extension, 273, 555 renewed, 349 annual report to Board of Trustees, request for, contract, consultants for campaign, 76 report on activities, 75 report from executive director, 414 University representative, 168, 443 F raker, L. D., appointment, 192 Franklin, E. D., appointment, 52 Frauenhoffer and Associates, P.C., contract, 502 Freeman, D. E., appointment, 554 Freire, P., honorary degree, 191 French (Urbana), Bachelor of Arts degree, curriculum preparatory to teaching, revised, 288 French, Department of (Chicago campus), consolidation with Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, 141 French, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 515 French, R. M., Estate, establishment of quasi-endowment for College of Associated Health Professions, 57 Freshman Discovery Program, 509 Friedler Construction Co., contract, 564 Frohman, L. A., appointment, 9 Frohmann, L. G., appointment, 51 Frydman, L., appointment, 137 Fujii, S. Y., appointment, 389 Funds, endowment pool, foreign equities manager, 16 investment policy, revision, 16 ICR reimbursement rate, possible change in Federal funding policies, president's report, 443 investments, report, 122, 181, 255, 359, 405, 573


Funds, cont'd Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, distribution of, 238 GTE North, Incorporated, easement, Piatt County, Allerton Park farm lands, buried cable, 28 Gabriel, Carson K., Trust, establishment of quasiendowment for Department of Ophthalmology (Chicago campus), 58 GalenHospital/Illinois, Inc., lease agreement, 375 See also Keese, Michael, Hospital and Medical Center Gallivan, K. A., appointment, 389 Gangadharam, P. R. J., appointment, 51 Garcia, J., appointment, 171 Garden (Urbana), Miles C Hartley Selections, contract, construction of, 21 established, 13 Gardner, C. S., appointment, 48 Gardner, N. C , appointment, 344 Gardner, Carton & Douglas, 119 Garrow, T. A., appointment, 467 Gateway Park (Chicago), 530 Gelfand, V. I., appointment, 419 General education requirements, baccalaureate program (Urbana), revision, report, 329 General engineering (Urbana), undergraduate curriculum, revision, 434 General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, amendments, 83,203,270,345,391 Geography, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 488 Geological sciences (Chicago campus), specialization in environmentar earth sciences, established, 475 Geology, Department of (Urbana), remodeling project, 114 Geology and geophysics curriculum (Urbana), reGeorge, V., appointment, 109 Georgiadis, J. G., appointment, 52 Gerty Drive Building (Champaign), acquisition by University, 26 contract, air conditioning work, 241 architectural services, 116, 242 electrical work, 241 engineering services, 116, 242 fire protection work, 241 general work, 241 heating work, 241 piping work, 241 plumbing work, 241 refrigeration work, 241 temperature control work, 241 ventilation work, 241 Gesell, J. member of advisory committee, 300 Gettins, P. G. W., appointment, 467 Ghandi Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 224 Gibson, S. E., appointment, 370 Gifts and grants, Barton, Helen M., Estate, establishment of quasi-endowment, 207 Braley, Howard, Estate, sale of farmland by University, 27 Federal Aviation Administration, Airport, University of Illinois-Willard, amendment, 173 amendment of Fiscal Year 1993 grant application, 348 applications for funds, 88, 348 French, Ruth M., Estate, establishment of quasiendowment for College of Associated Health Professions, 57 Gabriel, Carson K., Trust, establishment of quasiendowment for Department of Ophthalmology (Chicago campus), 58 Hamilton, Robert E., Estate, establishment of uasi-endowment, 394 ey, Miles C, Estate, establishment of garden (Urbana), 13 establishment of quasi-endowment, 14 United States Department of Education, renovation of materials research facilities (Urbana), 179 WILL television studio, new facility, 364