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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

596 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Graduate College (Urbana), dean, appointment, 48 degree, Doctor of Psychology, discontinued, 390 Master of Arts in Public Administration, discontinued, 390 Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies, established, 141 Master of Science in Mining Engineering, discontinued, 270 Master of Science in Physical Science, eliminated, 172 Master of Science in Public Health in Community Health, name corrected, 573 Master of Science in Radio and Television, discontinued, 307 degrees, conferred, 71, 97, 152, 291, 360, 406, 454, 577 transference of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, 497 Graduate School of Library and Information Science (Urbana), establishment of Center for Children's Books, 109 Graham, K. W., appointment, 232 Graham/Thomas Architects, contract, 284 Grainger Engineering Library Information Center (Urbana), contract, architectural services, 24 carpet and flooring, 175 electrical/site lighting, wiring and equipment, 145 engineering services, 24 fire protection sprinkler system, 22 landscaping work, 145 plumbing work, increase, 244 site development, 145 contracts, increases due to flood damage, 358 president of University, authorized to approve contract change orders, 120 withdrawal of bid, 22 Graphic design services, contract, Chicago campus, south campus project, 523 Gravenhorst, S. L., Civil Service Merit Board representative, 444 comments to board, regarding election of president of board, 129 Graves, K. J., appointment, 516 Gray, J. S., appointment, 371 Great Cities institute (Chicago campus), establishment, 458 Great Cities Program (Chicago campus), status report, 458 Great Lakes Medicaid, Inc., contract, 561 Green, J. F., appreciation of services, 76 Greene, L. H., appointment, 80 Gregory, E. H., appointment, 516 Gregory Drive Residence Halls (Champaign), contract, emergency generators, architectural services, 354 engineering services, 354 installation, 472 Gregory Hall (Urbana), contract, HVAC improvements, 451 remodeling classrooms, air conditioning work, electrical work, 471 general work, 471 heating work, 471 piping work, 471 refrigeration work, 471 temperature control work, 471 ventilation work, 471 Grein, C. H., appointment, 171 Grist, A., member of advisory committee, 300 Gross, G., appointment, 371 Gross, P. G., appointment, 192 Grossman, L. S., appointment, 108 Gruebele, M. H. W., appointment, 52 Grunau Company, Inc., contract, 145 Guay-Bhatia, L. A., appointment, 79 Guceri, S. I., appointment, 304 Gudkov, A. V., appointment, 389 Guenther, R. E., multi-year contract, 10 report, 3 Gulati, A., appointment, 192 Gupta, R., appointment, 389 Gifts and grants, cont'd Willwertn, H. J., Jr., Estate, establishment of quasi-endowment for Department of Ophthalmology (Chicago campus), 58 Wilson, EthyiL., Trust, establishment of quasiendowment, 142 Gillespie, R. E., member of advisory board, 48 Gindorf, J., Civil Service Merit Board representative, 167, 444 elected member of Executive Committee, 412 new member of board, installation, 128 Giordano, R. A., appointment, 343 Gleasman litigation, settlement, 75, 97 Gleason, Hagen, Ramshaw, and Associates, Inc., contract, 451 Glesco Electric, Inc., contract, 175, 214, 217, 244, 434, 566 Glover, R. W., appointment, 192 Gokl, R. G., appointment, 80 Gold, S. A., appointment, 232 Goldberg, Benjamin, Research Center, contract, remodel for computer center, 284 Goldman, A. H., appointment, 79 member of Institute for the Humanities, 190 Goldring, L. P., appointment, 370 Goldsmith, D. J., appointment, 371 Goldstein, L L., appointment, 137 Golemon, T. B., appointment, 192 Good Samaritan Hospital (Downers Grove), See EHS Health Care; Inc. Good Shepherd Hospital (Barrington), See EHS Health Care, Inc. Goodwin-Green Apartments (Urbana), contract, emergency generators, engineering services, installation, 472 Gorski Reifsteck Architects, contract, 23, 428 Gossett, W., member of advisory committee, 7 Gould, E., member of advisory committee, 300 Grabowski, D. W., Civil Service Merit Board representative, 167, 444 elected member of Executive Committee, 166 Grabowski, T., member of advisory committee, 6 Grabowski & Clutts, contract, 372, 561 Grace, L. E., member of advisory committee, 301 Grading system (Urbana campus), modification, 328 Graduate College (Chicago campus), dean, appointment, 191 degree, Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology, established, 267 Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice, established, 446. Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology, established, 200 Doctor of Philosophy in Mining Engineering, discontinued, 2/0 Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration, established, 171 Master of Arts in Communication and Theater, divided and transferred, 140 Master of Business Administration, revised, 475 Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, designated, 495 Master of Science in Medical Psychology, discontinued, 447 Master of Science in Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, redesignated, 495 Master of Science in Orthopaedic Surgery, discontinued, 518 Master of Science in Radiology, discontinued, 518 degrees, conferred, 288, 289, 290, 574, 575, 576 degrees in metallurgy and engineering mechanics, consolidation and redesignation, 447 Doctor of Pharmacy program, expansion and enhancement, 196 joint master's program between College of Nursing and School of Public Health, 476 MBA program, fee, established, 196 programmatic changes, report, 196 revocation of doctoral degree, 4/6
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