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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 347 Academic or administrative staff members who return to University employment within two years of an earlier separation from University employment, and who upon return are eligible for compensable sick leave under this Section, shall have restored, as sick leave accumulated prior to January 1, 1984, regardless of when it was earned, any sick leave which was not compensated to such individuals or used to establish service credit in the State Universities Retirement System at the time of the prior separation from University employment. Reporting on use of sick leave will be made at the unit level and recorded centrally as required. (d) Death, Disability, and Survivor Benefits. For employees of the University, other than students paid on an hourly basis and personnel whose principal employment is outside the University, with at least six months' service, who are not participants in the State Universities Retirement System or any other publicly supported retirement system which pays a death benefit, a death benefit of $500 is payable by the University. For employees who are participants in the State Universities Retirement System, death, disability, and survivor benefits are provided by that System. On motion of Ms. Reese, this amendment was approved. Revision of Policy and Rules — Nonacademlc (Policy 16 — Conduct and Discipline) (10) Policy and Rules — Nonacademic, encompassing the policies applicable to Civil Service employees of the University of Illinois, is constantly under review to assure it is meeting the needs and requirements of the University. In some cases these reviews lead to recommendations for change not only to rules and regulations but also to University policy. Such changes to the policies contained in Policy and Rules — Nonacademic require Board of Trustees approval. The vice president for business and finance recommends approval of this amendment to Policy 16 of the Policy and Rules — Nonacademic. I concur. Policy 16 The wording of this policy has been changed to clarify expectations in regard to employee compliance with Federal and State law as well as with University policy. The University Nondiscrimination Statement will appear as a separate statement at the front of Policy and Rules — Nonacademic, rather than being stated explicitly within Policy 16. On motion of Ms. Reese, this amendment was approved. New University Policy, Family and Medical Leave (11) Effective August 5, 1993, the University of Illinois was required to be in compliance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. A University policy was implemented on an interim basis, pending final approval by the Board of Trustees in September 1993. The Family and Medical Leave Policy contains provisions that apply to individuals who have been employed by the University for at least twelve months and who have performed at least half-time service during the previous 12-month period. The Act requires that up to 12 weeks of paid leave (accumulated vacation and/or sick leave) or unpaid leave shall be granted to an employee during a defined 12-month period for the birth or adoption of a child; for the care of a child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition; or when the employee is unable to perform the function of his or her position due to a serious health condition. During periods of family and medical leave, the University is required to continue to provide health and dental insurance for the employee. Upon return from leave, employees are
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