Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

100 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER A—STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1895. Board expense Books and publications Botanical apparatus Bulletins Chemical apparatus Fertilizers Fuel and lights Incidentals Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and trees Tools and supplies Wages SundryWood durability experiment Total 31 44 9 24 671 06 75 33 21 50 100 00 1 10 28 54 1,820 00 39 26 249 97 768 07 58 41 $3,903 75 PAPER C—STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 1895. Appropriated. Expended. Balances. Board expense Books and publications Botanical apparatus Bulletins Chemical apparatus Fuel and lights Incidentals Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and trees Tools and supplies Wages Wood durability experiment Total : PAPER D—ESTIMATES. $40 00 50 00 10 00 300 00 50 00 100 00 25 00 25 00 1,960 90 30 00 200 00 1,250 00 50 00 $4,090 00 $40 00 50 00 10 00 $448 61 45 701 4 100 25 25 853 6 145 649 50 30 00 00 00 35 63 13 15 00 1,106 23 54 600 65 37 87 85 $2,280 05 $1,958 56 Quarter ending June 30, 1895. From farm f u n d Dairy stock and fittings Horses Irrigation experiment Milk wagon Repairs on house Wages Total Quarter ending September 30, 1895. From general f u n d Board expense Books and publications Botanical apparatus Buildings and repairs Bulletins Chemical apparatus Fuel and lights Incidentals Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and trees Tools and supplies Wood durability experiment Wages Total $50 250 25 142 35 400 00 00 00 50 00 00 $902 50 $40 00 50 00 60 00 25 00 150 00 275 00 60 00 25 00 25 00 1,660 00 25 00 150 00 50 00 1,250 00 $3,845 00