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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 99 I respectfully recommend the following appropriations for the purpose of extending equipment and meeting the ordinary expenses of departments during the ensuing year: Library A r t and design , Psychological laboratory.. Steam heating Zoology Chemistry Applied chemistry Geology Physiology Botany and h o r t i c u l t u r e . . . Agriculture Physical culture School of music Tota\ $200 00 250 00 300 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 800 00 500 00 300 00 2,000 00 600 00 250 00 $7,200 00 I also recommend that the sum of $10,000.00 be appropriated the present year from specific appropriations made for the purpose, to be expended in extending the equipment of the College of Engineering, the same to be used in the several departments of the college in ways which shall be certified by the dean thereof as the most advisable. I recommend tha£ the specific appropriations made by the legislature, for addition to apparatus and appliances ($3,000.00), materials for shop practice ($1,500.00), increase of scientific cabinets and collections ($1,000.00), completing the fitting and furnishing of Engineering Hall ($5,000.00), improvement in the Chemical Laboratory ($5,000.00), laboratory of vegetable physiology ($2,000.00), equipment and materials for fire protection ($2,000.00); Building and equipment for work of Biological Experiment Station on the Illinois river ($2,500.00), and operating expenses of said Station ($1,500.00), paving streets and laying walks ($9,300.00), be appropriated to the several purposes for which they have been made, upon the condition and understanding that no purchases of additional equipment shall be made and no agreements entered into, except upon a statement showing what it is desired to purchase, where it may be obtained, and at what probable cost, and, briefly, the reasons for the proposed expenditure, and not until this statement shall have the approval of the President as to the advisability of the purchase, and the approval of the Business Agent as to the reasonableness of the price to be paid. It should also be distinctly understood that the appropriation of $5,000.00 for improvement in the Chemical Laboratory must be in a large measure devoted to the work of surveying the waters of the state upon a comprehensive plan, pursuant to promises made to the legislature. I present herewith the report of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and recommend that appropriations be made and authority to conduct experiments be granted in accordance therewith. EXPERIMENT STATION REPORT. URBANA, ILLINOIS, June 10, 1895. Dr. A. S. Draper, President of the University of Illinois, SIR : I beg leave to submit from the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station the following: Paper J. is a list of warrants drawn, Nos. 172 to 265, inclusive, for the quarter ending March 31, 1895, and is accompanied with vouchers for the same for audit. Paper B is a statement of expenditures for the quarter ending March 31, Paper C is a statement of appropriations, expenditures, and balances for the quarter ending June 30, 1895. Paper D is a statement of appropriations asked for the current quarter and for the next quarter.
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