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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

72 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. versity, and that the courses heretofore assigned to the professor of pedagogy, the assistant professor of psychology, and the instructor in philosophy, be rearranged to conform to the readjustment. The whole question of reorganization of the Agricultural Department is now open and demands your attention at this time. You will remember that Professor Davenport was engaged as Dean of the college, as a member of the staff of the Experiment Station, and as a professor; but the title of his professorship was left for determination after consultation with him. It has been generally agreed that the whole subject of general agriculture has become too large to be properly in charge of one man. The ground can be covered in the most superficial way only, either in investigation or instruction, by any one person, and superficial work cannot be tolerated with us. Your consideration is therefore asked to a division of the department, as follows: 1. A subdivision including the breeding, feeding, and care of animals. 2. A subdivision of agriculture proper, or the specialties concerning soils and crops. 3. Dairy manufactures. Professor Davenport desires that the first of these divisions be assigned to him and that he be styled Professor of Animal Husbandry. In addition to the specialties thus defined the subieet of comparative agriculture may be added to the duties of this chair, so that the head of the general department shall lecture upon the inter-relations and comprehensive bearings of all agricultural topics among themselves and to other subjects. As chief of the second division some one should be appointed with the rank and title of associate professor of agriculture, with the understanding that more definite designation of title may sometime be made.' The salary proposed at the outset is $1,600.00 to be divided equally between the instruction account and the Experiment Station, and the time of beginning of service September first. The third division should be organized as soon as practicable. An initial salary of $1,200.00 and the rank of assistant professor may be named for one who should have charge of this work. In studying the conditions and prospects of the College of Agriculture the subject of veterinary science must be included. The course of instruction at present offered is insufficient to prepare students to become reputable practitioners in what is now one of the regular professions. On the other hand the student of general agriculture can hardly find time for the full course as now given, nor do his requirements seem to demand it. It therefore seems policy to establish a full course from which students may graduate as professional veterinarians, or to reduce the instruction to that concerning the common diseases of domestic animals, to meet the needs of agriculturists. The first of these proposals would require the appointment of at least one more professor; the second would demand instruction in the winter term only. Under all the circumstances of the case, with the recent establishment elsewhere of veterinary colleges apparently equal to the demand, the latter alternative seems to be the advisable one, if any change is to be made. The question of filling the two new positions mentioned ; if these are created r is a very important one and mnst be left for further consideration. The success of the movement so depends upon the persons appointed that the utmost care must be taken in the selection of the man or men deemed best fitted for the work, whether or not this means the advancement of any one now employed. In the further development of the horticultural department the creation of an assistant professorship, with a salary of not less than $1,500.00 to be divided between the instruction account and the Experiment Station, is recommended T subject to the same conditions in regard to appointment as the above. I am of the opinion that an important readjustment in the sphere of physical culture and athletics is advisable. The arrangement of the last year has been highly unsatisfactory. The same theories and general plan should pre-
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