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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 7$ vail upon the same subject throughout the University and apply so far a& practicable to men and women alike. It is recommended that the services of the present instructors be discontinued and that a single department of physical training be established, with a director at its head who shall have general direction of all the work in that line, and that an instructor or assistant be provided to act under his direction in carrying on such work as may probably be delegated to such a person. There is reason to believe that greater efficiency and more harmony of action would result from the arrangement, with a smaller expenditure of money. What money can be saved by this arrangement may well be devoted to assist in the employment of expert coaches for one or more of the athletic teams. A director could probably be secured who could coach one or more of these teams, but it is hardly practicable to secure one who could render that service to all. I am much interested in our physical training and athletic sports. It is important that a competent authority in the University should be charged with the duty of looking after the health and sound physical development of not a few, but of all the students. It is important that we also encourage and at the same time exercise such control as may be necessary over the athletic sports. We shall find ourselves discredited in the minds of students, and measurably so in the minds of the public? if we neglect to do this, for it has come to be an important avenue for gaining public attention. We shall doubtless find that such management will promote good fellowship and, if well directed, stimulate a healthful moral tone among the students. It is recommended that the following instructors be reappointed for the ensuing year, but upon the understanding that their precise positions, duties, and salaries, will be determined at the June meeting, viz: George Washington Parker, George Perkins Clinton, Thomas Arkle Clark, Cyrus Daniel McLane, Cyril Balfour Clark, Herman S Piatt, James David Phillips, CharlesAlexander Gunn, William Esty, Bernard Victor Swenson, Albert Root Curtiss, Frank Smith, Lorin William Peabody, George Washington McCluer, Henry Jones, Helen Eliza Butterfield, Jeremiah George Mosier, Harry Sands Grindley, Robert Clarke Vial, Fred Anson Sager. I also recommend the reappointment of Percy Favor Bicknell as librarian r and of Edward Gardnier Howe as principal, and Nathan Austin Weston and Lillie Adelle Clendenin as instructors in the Preparatory School. Miss Alice May Barber does not desire reappointment. As to instructors and assistants not named above I can only say that I am not yet prepared to recommend their reappointment. It seems to me that the interests of the University imperatively call for the organization of a department of music ; and I suggest that the Board at least authorize the initiatory steps in that direction. Very respectfully, A. S. DRAPER. President. Professor S h e a p r e s e n t e d his resignation, w h i c h was referred to P r e s i d e n t D r a p e r a n d Mr. A r m s t r o n g . A p e t i t i o n was received from a n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s a s k i n g t h a t , if possible, provision be m a d e for i n s t r u c t i o n in political science a n d j u r i s p r u d e n c e in t h e College of L i t e r a t u r e a n d A r t s . T h e p e t i t i o n was referred to t h e C o m m i t t e e on I n s t r u c t i o n . A letter was received from t h e editor a n d the business m a n a g e r of t h e I Wo a s k i n g for assistance from t h e B o a r d in p a y i n g t h e i r p u b l i cation expenses. T h i s letter was laid over u n t i l t h e next m e e t i n g of t h e Board.
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