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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PEOCEEDINGS OF BOAED OF TRUSTEES. MayIS y amount paid out of state appropriation for fire protection, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto t By a m o u n t paid out of state appropriation for p a v i n g street and walks, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached By amount paid out of farm fund, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of E x p e r i m e n t Station fund, as per| list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of U. S. fund, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of fund for cabinets, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto Balances, May 31,1896— U. S. E x p e r i m e n t Station fund F a r m fund General fund E n d o w m e n t fund State appropriations— For salaries, etc For library building: F o r library , F o r E n g i n e e r i n g College For Laboratory of N a t u r a l H i s t o r y F o r cabinets F o r Astronomical Observatory For fitting and furnishing E n g i n e e r i n g Hall F o r building and equipping Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station. For expense of Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station For a p p a r a t u s and material For shop practice F o r Chemical Laboratory F o r Laboratory of Vegetable Physiology F o r fire protection F o r paving street and walks F o r establishing and equipping Laboratory of P u r e Vaccine Virus 261 $669 11 362 50 961 63 3,661 75 49 09] 53 87 $3,827 47 197 34j 4,432 32,745 931 15,883 45 145,324 15 794 91 7.000 471 1,666 714 64| 14,375 77 2,077 30 183 67 6 97 369 64| 179 04 1,889 49 88 021 1,033 101 531 95 3,000 00 $61,073 66 236,323 20 $297,396 86 The Executive Committee returned, without recommendation, Professor Forbes's request for an appropriation of $1,000.00 to aid in publishing reports of the Biological Experiment Station. The request was laid on the table. The Treasurer's bill of $1,750.59 for taxes paid and $20.86 for incidental expenses was ordered paid. The Board adjourned to meet at 7:30 in the evening. EVENING SESSION. r " I t was voted to accept the bond of the H. M. R. Construction Co., $25,000 in amount, with the American Security Co., for security, provided the same was found satisfactory to the Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. LOCATION O F L I B E A E Y B U I L D I N G . The following resolution was adopted: Besolved, That the new library building be situated on the site selected northwesterly from University Hall, on the cardinal lines\ the south side of ihe building to be not exceeding* 30 reet north of the face line University Hall produced west; the west line to be 10 feet east of the east line of Wright street; the building to face north.
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