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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

260 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. TREASURER'S REPORT. C H A R L E S W. S P A L D I N G , T R E A S U R E R I N ACCOUNT W I T H M A Y 31, 1896. T H E U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S , Dr. Feb. March. 29 Balance 3 Received from S . W . S h a t t u c k on account of general fund 14 F r o m Mary Muhlhausen, interest on contract No. 58 28 F r o m S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s 1 F r o m Anton Bengston, interest on contract No. 101 o m U. r 8 F rStation,S. T r e a s u r e1, on account of U. S. E x p e r i m e n t due April 1896 8 F r o m E r i c L i n d q u i s t , principal on contract No 64 8 F r o m E r i c Lindquist, accrued interest F r o m W. L Pillsbury, credit to E x p e r i m e n t Station farm fund F r o m State Treasurer, state appropriation for establishm e n t of Laboratory for propagation of P u r e Vaccine Virus F r o m State Treasurer, state appropriation for erection of a library building F r o m State Treasurer, balance of state appropriation for College of E n g i n e e r i n g F r o m State Treasurer, balance of state appropriation for Astronomical Observatory and equipment F r o m S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s Received Sangamon county bonds, due May 1,1896 Sangamon county bonds, due May 1,1897 and b o n u s . . . . Sangamon county coupons, due May 1,1896 F r o m M. O. Batterbury, interest on contract No. 97 Shelby county bond, due May 5,1896 Shelby county coupons, due May 5,1896 Cass county coupons, due May 1,1896 Received Bond county bond, due May 1,1896 Received Bond county coupon, due May 1,1896 F r o m J o s e p h Hollen, principal on contract No. 116 F r o m S. W. Shattuck, on account of Minnesota g r a s s . F r o m S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s I n t e r e s t from T r e a s u r e r on endowment fund at 4 per cent., March, April, and May, 1896 I n t e r e s t from T r e a s u r e r on all other funds at 2Yz per cent., March, April, and May, 1896 $10,888 00 230 87 2,065 38 20 00 3,750 00 200 00 3 50 $98,966 50 *i Ap* l r .. *4 ** 561 25 3,000 00 150,000 00 5,000 00 10,000 00 2,370 561 1,000 00 1,020 00 250 00 56 181 500 00| 270 00 325 00 700 00 42 00 400 00 10 00 4,756 96 306 64 704 02 198,430 36 May Or. May 1896. By amount paid out of general fund, as per list of war| r a n t s attached hereto $11,124 65 By amount paid out of state appropriation for salaries, etc., as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 30,783 55 By amount paid out of state appropriation for library 3,575 85 building, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for library, as 404 46 per list o f w a r r a n t s attached hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for Laborato-| ry of Natural History, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached. 2,035 27 31 By a m o u n t paid out of state appropriation for Engineering College, as per list of w a r r a n t s of w a r r a n t s at-| tached hereto 3,132 87 31 By amount paid out of state appropriation for Astronomical Observatory, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached. 598 23 By amount paid out of state appropriation for fitting and f u r n i s h i n g E n g i n e e r i n g H a l l , as per list of w a r r a n t s 362 09 attached hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for building] and equipment of Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 1,498 62 By amount paid out of state appropriation for Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station expense, as per list of w a r r a n t s at274 18 tached hereto By amount paid out of state appropriation for a p p a r a t u s and material, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached h e r e t o . . . 674 32 By amount paid out of state appropriation for shop practice, as p e r list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 268 45 By amount paid out of state appropriation for Chemical Laboratory, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 361 82 By amount paid out of state appropriation for Laboratory of Vegetable Physiology, as per list of w a r r a n t s attached hereto 221 351 $297,396 86
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