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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

254 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER D—ESTIMATES— Continued. Farm Fund. $30 100 250 400 00 00 00 00 Pigs Sheep Tools and supplies. Wages Total , $780 00 The Board of Trustees is asked to assign funds of the Experiment Station according to estimates made in Paper Z>, and also to authorize the President and Secretary of the Board of Direction to expend, as the best interests of the Station may require, any unexpended balances of the United States fund. Respectfully submitted, T. J. BURRILL, President Board of Direction. A n a p p r o p r i a t i o n of $45.00 was m a d e for t h e p u r c h a s e of t h e b u s t of S e n a t o r Morrill. T h e B o a r d a d j o u r n e d to m e e t at 2 o'clock. SESSION OF WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. T h e following resolutions were a d o p t e d : FLAG LAW INDICTMENTS. WHEREAS, The Trustees of the University of Illinois have been indicted by the grand jury of Champaign county, for an alleged failure to comply with the letter of the laws touching the display of flags over public buildings, and WHEREAS, the State's Attorney of this county has caused a verbal message to be presented to the Board through the President of the University, substantially to the effect that said indictments will be quashed, provided the Board will put a flag on one of the University buildings, and WHEREAS, The Deputy Sheriff of this county has just communicated to the Board a statement that he is instructed by the State's Attorney to serve the process of the court upon the members of the Board unless said proposition is accepted, and WHEREAS, The Trustees are in favor of the central thought of the flag law and intend to inculcate an observance of all laws, rationally construed, upon all, and particularly upon the students of the University; therefore Besolved, That in the judgment of this Board the spirit and intent of the legislature, expressed in said flag laws, have not only been fully complied with, and were observed even before the laws were enacted, but have been complied with in the most exact manner practicable, by displaying a flag, on a tall pole in the midst of the University campus, so that it has floated above all the buildings on all school days, by observing great care that it shall never touch the ground or come in contact with any other thing, and by doing all things calculated to inspire respect and love for the flag on the part of all connected with the University. Resolved, That the display of the flag on one University building is, in our judgment, not so near a literal compliance with the law as the course long pursued by the Board, and that we recognize no right on the part of the State's Attorney or Sheriff to propose terms of settlement of an indictment out of <jourt.
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