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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
226 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . tary shall, however, make a record of said bill, and soon after payment, certainly as often as once in each month, and as much oftener as he prefers, the Business Manager shall make a statement of all such payments, accompanied by the vouchers therefor, and draw a warrant to his own order for the sum thereof, and forward both to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for approval and signature. If the payments are approved the Chairman shall endorse his approval upon said statement, and shall sign the accompanying warrant and forward both to the Secretary, who shall also sign both and note the fact against the previous record, and deliver said statement and warrant to the Business Manager, who shall make proper entries of their receipt In his books, shall file the statement in his office, endorse the warrant and deliver the same to the Treasurer, who shall receive the same as cash and credit the Business Manager with tne amount thereof. 14. The Business Manager, Treasurer, and Secretary shall report fully to each regular meeting of the Board, and their reports shall be examined by the Finance Committee of the Board, and said committee shall forthwith report its findings and recommendations to the Board for approval. 15. The fiscal year of the University shall begin on the first day of July in each year and end upon the 30th day of June next succeeding, but all reports shall be made as required by law. 16. The officers of the Board shall cause new account books to be prepared, and shall open the same and transfer all balances to them at the beginning of the next fiscal year, and shall prepare all blank forms necessary for carrying the foregoing rules into effect. 17. The foregoing rules shall be observed from the time of their adoption so far as practicable, and shall be fully in effect from and after the first day of July, 1896. T h e r e p o r t of t h e c o m m i t t e e was adopted. T h e C o m m i t t e e on F i n a n c e offered t h e following r e p o r t , w h i c h was a p p r o v e d : URBANA, March 11, 1896. To the Board of Irustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Finance has examined the vouchers submitted by the Agricultural Experiment Station Nos. 84 to 168, inclusive, and has found the same correct and duly receipted. Respectfully submitted, N. B. MORRISON, S . A . BULLARD, N. W. GRAHAM, Finance Committee, T h e T r e a s u r e r ' s r e p o r t was received a n d referred to t h e F i n a n c e Committee. TREASURER'S REPORT. C H A R L E S W. SPALDING, T R E A S U R E R , I N ACCOUNT W I T H T H E F E B R U A R Y 29, 1896. UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . Dr. 1895. November 30| Balance December 16 F r o m F . Topka, interest on land contract No. 18 • 181 *' Wenzl Kopacek, principal on land contract No. 44 W e n z l Kopacek, interest on land contract No. i . 18 24 *' S. W. Shattuck, paid w a r r a n t s , general fund. * * J o s . Novotny, i n t e r e s t on contract No. 53 ' ' J o s . Dezort, interest on contract No. 40 1896. F r o m L. S. Botten, principal on contract No. 83 January •' * L. S. Botten, i n t e r e s t on contract No. 8 3 . . . . . . . 44 W m . Buethe, principal on contract No. 80 , 44 W m . Buethe, interest on contract No. 80 44 Rier O. Braaten, interest on contract No. 6 3 . . . 44 E r i c k Lindquist, i n t e r e s t on contract No. 64... Village of A u s t i n coupons due J a n u a r y 1,1896 $52 500 65 1,915 40 96 50 00 00 97 00 00 $152,470 61 200 00 39 20 120 00 58 80 4 39 77 00 575 00
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