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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
20 UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS. The following appointments'were made: Mr. H. S. Grindley, assistant in chemistry, salary $100.00 a month; Mr. A. C. Burnham, assistant in mechanical engineering, salary $80.00 a month; Mr. F. A. Sager, assistant in physics, salary $80.00 a month; Mr. I. H. Allen, storekeeper in the electrical engineering laboratory, salary $30.00 a month. These appointments were all for ten months, beginning September 1, 1894. In regard to the model school authorized by the Board of Trustees to be oranized in connection with the course in pedagogics, it was voted that since 'rofessor McMurry, at whose request the organization of a model school was made, had withdrawn from the Faculty of the University, the organization of said school be referred to President Draper with power to act. Professor Burrill was appointed President of the Board of Direction of the Experiment Station and asked to accept the place for the present year. President Draper and Professor Burrill were authorized to appoint a chemist for the Experiment Station, at a salary not to exceed $2,000.00 a year. It was ordered that inasmuch as the time set for the September meeting of the Board occurs during the week in which the Illinois State Fair is to be held in Springfield, the Secretary be instructed to announce the meeting to be held in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Springfield. f S. A. BULLARD, N. W. GRAHAM, Acting Secretary. President. P r e s i d e n t D r a p e r was t h e n r e q u e s t e d to p r e s e n t h i s report. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN:—In view of the very recent date upon which I entered upon this position, I have but little to report. The University entrance examination commenced on the 6th inst. The 10th and 11th inst. were registration days, and instruction was resumed on Wednesday, September 12th. The registration up to date is as follows: University Preparatory School 590 108 This is an increase of about sixty over last year. The spirit of the Faculty and students of the University at the opening seems as hearty and buoyant as could be desired. The members of the corps of instruction are all on duty, except that Mr. James David Phillips, instructor in general engineering drawing, and Mr. Fred Herbert Dodge, instructor in athlectics, are absent sick. As to the time when they will likely be able to return it is impossible to say. The position held by Mr. Phillips has been temporarily filled and, in the opinion of the Dean of the College of Engineering, the interests of the University are being satisfactorily taken care of. There is no one discharging the duties of instructor in athletics. I have a communication from a physician in Chicago, under whose charge Mr. Dodge is, saying that it may be some weeks before he can go on with his work. The Athletic Association has engaged Mr. Louie de P. Vail, of Peoria, to coach the foot-ball team, and has addressed a communication to the Board requesting assistance in meeting the expenses involved. I should be glad to have this done so far as the Board is able to do it, and it occurs to me that Mr. Vail might be given the position of instructor in athlectics until Mr. Dodge is able to resume it, or until the termination of the foot-ball season. There is very little done in the way of indoor athletics until the cold weather puts an end to outdoor work. This course would at least go some way towards assisting the Association to meet its engagements. The University is seriously embarrassed by the failure to complete the new Engineering Hall according to contract. All plans had been predicated unon having possession of the building at the beginning of the year. The building
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