Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Summary of Students, 1894-95. Preparatory School. University. COURSES AND CLASSES. Architectijre Agriculture, Men Mechanical Engineering, Men Electrical Engineering, Men Civil Engineering, Men Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, Men 2 { women:::::::::::::::: Architectural Engineering, Men Chemistry { M e 0 ^ e n V : ; ; : ; ; : : : ; : : : : : Pharmacy, Men Natural Science { Women.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 73J 151 40| 6 491 4 1041 26 29! Mathematics {^en;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; English and Mod- \ Men ern Languages j Women } » 6 ^tin{M-men.::::::.::::::::::::::::: aassicallMe^..................... Art and D e s i g n j M e ^ • • • . . . . . . . . . . Music, Women Physical Training, Women Total { M en Women.. Total } ^ 5| 24! 511 24! 41121 9192 116 31 604 133 202 147 751 Add for Summer School, 1894, those not counted above {w^en 12 1 2 30 29 Add for Winter School in Agriculture, 1895, those not counted above [ ^Vo^eii — ?f ™*.»« {w^ien.:::: $ } «o —2 U. I.