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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
58 quested, without compensation during the time of absenee, and subject to the approval of the faculty. ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, S e p t e m b e r 11th, 1877. Hon. J. M. Gregory, LL. D. and Board of Trustees, • GENTLEMEN: I very respectfully ask leave of a b s e n c e during" the months of November, December, J a n u a r y and F e b r u a r y of this school year. I am induced to m a k e this r e q u e s t t h a t I may spend the time in the study of comparative pathology, at some prominent medical school of this c o u n t r y . The intimate connection between h u m a n and v e t e r i n a r y medicine, t h e m a n y c o m m u n i cable maladies from animate to mankind, t h e similarity of t r e a t m e n t in n u m e r o u s cases, t h e frequent possibility of the prevention of t h e spread of contagious diseases, and m a n y other reasons, render it highly desirable t h a t a public teacher of animal physiology and pathology, should be well versed in all t h a t is known of h u m a n diseases and their t r e a t ment . Should my request be granted I will do everything in my power to m a k e u p t h e instruction t o t h e students, before and after my r e t u r n . V e r y respectfully, F . W. PEENTICB, M. R. C. V . S. Mr. Gardner was requested to take the necessary steps relating to opening a central avenue through the grounds, north from main building. The treasurer, Mr. J. W . Bunn, then read his report, which was received and approved. TREASURER'S REPORT. John 1877 June i i W. Bunn, Treasurer, in accH with Illinois Industrial University. July * » 4 44* 44 44 5 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 < " 44 44 i; 4 44 44 4 I 4 4 Aug. 31 31 31 31 31 4 t 31 31 31 31 31 4 I 4 I 31 To balance 4 I n t e r e s t on Morgan county bonds 44 K a n k a k e e county bonds 44 t P i k e county bonds : 4 44 Chicago 7 p e r cent, bonds 44 4 Illinois 6 p e r cent, bonds 44 4 Champaign county bonds 44 a m ' t r e c ' d from state for t a x e s on lands in Nebraska and Minnesota To a m ' t rec' d from state, buildings and grounds, for r e pairs and improvements To a m ' t rec' d from state, mechanical shops, c u r r e n t expenses To a m ' t 14 rec' d from 44t a t e for library and cabinets s 44 Library cases 4 44 44 Books and publications 4 44 »1 Cases for cabinets 4 44 44 Specimens for geological, mineralogical and n a t u r a l history To a m ' t reed from s 44 t e for green house ta k 4 Chemical and phys. l a b ' y 44 Chemical laboratory on 4a4c e ' t Mechanical d e p a r4t m e n t Architectural " 44 44 Agricultural 44 44 ;; Horticultural 44 44 Chemical 44 Buildings and grounds 44 Fuel and light 44 Microscopes 44 Fees and room rents 44 Tuition 44 4 111. Cent. R. K. freight $2,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 875 00 930 00 1,308 25 2,194 24 2,500 00 1,500 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 3,250 00 1,000 00 2,500 00 1,000 00 1,310 80 1,136 74 555 03 88 19 101 34 36 00 37 96 32 54 397 00 20 00 253 45 $11,112 38 11,013 25 15,444 24 20,000 00 3,905 05 $61,538 92 Urbana, Sep. 13th, 1877. JOHN W. BUNN, Treasurer.
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