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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

59 John 187' Aug. By 44 m ' t paid Board e x p e n s e a 44 for salaries u " Buildings and g r o u n d s 44 44 F u e l and lights '44 ' "4 Stationery and printing4 Mechanical d e p a rkt m e n t 44 44 Architectural ' 44 44 44 ' Agricultural 44 44 44 Horticultural 44 44 44 Chemical 44 44 44 Military 44 44 Library and a p p a r a t u s 44 44 Incidental e x p e n s e 44 44 Preparatory department 44 44 Physical laboratory 44 44 Civil engineering 44 44 Microscopes By a m ' t paid on a c c ' t s t a t e appropriations, For Chemical laboratory 44 Green house 44 Buildings and grounds 44 Chemical and physical laboratories 44 Mechanical shops 44 Library cases 44 Books and publications 44 Cases for cabinets 44 Cabinets By balance $ 279 37 7,351 85 38 62 297 00 269 34 1,165 24 1,175 19 1,902 39 60 33 48 05 23 93 5 64 81 39 90 00 1 00 28 19 40 63 1,957 48 654 76 1,300 51 315 36 74 78 346 57 163 00 479 42 164 61 W. Bunn, Treasurer, in actft with Illinois Industrial University. 5,456 49 43,224 28 $61,538 92 JOHN W. BUNN, Urbana, Sep. 13, 1877. APPROPRIATIONS. Treasurer. For the fitting up of the book keeping room, $75 were granted, (from state appropriations) also $35 for samples and checks. The following appropriations from current funds, were made for the six months ending February 28th, 1878. Appropriations from current funds, for six months ending Ieb.28, $ $1,800 00 8,100 001 1,500 00 600 00 600 00 600 001 1,800 00| 150 00| 240 00 30 00! 50 00 240 00 300 001 180 00 60 00| 1878. 200 00 Board expense SalariesRegent 9 professors 2 professors Prentice Allen Baumgras, Parsons, 1 Scovel, I Baker, [ Hays. J Chemical assistant Lewellin Gym. and military Choir teaching J a n i t o r N.44 B 44 Library dorm 16,300 00
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