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57 W e herewith submit Prof. Ricker's report on same matter, and ask the same be iiled with this report:

U R B A N A, Sept. 11, 1877. To the Building Committee, of the Hon. Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN : I have t h e honor to report as follows, in regard to t h e chemical l a b o r a t o r y : Work was actually begun on t h e excavation on A u g u s t 2d, b u t for a week or two only t h r e e men were employed. The delay in the progress of the work was caused at first by t h e r e being- b u t two or t h r e e masons employed, and afterwards by their waiting- for sills and window frames. The contractor, however, declares t h a t he can enclose t h e building before t h e t i m e agreed upon. So far, he has acted honorably and a p p e a r e d anxious t o do a good job, willing to throw out any material condemned by t h e superintendent. The foundation or footing courses are all of dimension stone, and are b e t t e r t h a n he contracted to p u t in, superior to those of t h e main building, without any e x t r a c h a r g e . I placed t h e guide, as directed by you, m a k i n g the stone w a t e r table of the laboratory 2 feet below t h a t of the main building, t h u s leaving the excavation about 2 feet deep a t the highest point of the site, and 16 inches at its lowest point. But after they were made they were not deep enough, and in consultation with Mr. Gardner, it was decided to go one foot deeper, which proved sufficient to reach t h e brown clay, and secure a good foundation. This change of course necessitated an e x t r a foot in height of all t h e walls and column footings, making an addition to the a m o u n t to be paid to t h e contractor u n d e r the contract. Mr. Brown and myself concluded that it would not be necessary to carry t h e a r e a walls, and walls u n d e r doors of basement, any deeper t h a n mine walls, which would m a k e t h e m t h r e e feet deep, sufficient protection against frost. This saves one foot in d e p t h for these walls, whiclOvere specified one foot deeper. Mr. Brown measured u p t h e e x t r a foot in height of walls, and deducted therefrom t h e a m o u n t saved on area walls, & c , m a k i n g 754 5-6 cubic feet rubble work. 7,424 brick laid in cement. Mr. Jewell told me t h a t he would do this e x t r a work for 30 cents p e r cubic foot of r u b ble, and $10 p e r thousand of brick. This would m a k e the cost 754 5-6 cubic feet stone @ SO cents 7,424 bricks @ $10 $226 45 74 24 $300 69

Mr. Brown says t h a t 28 cents and $8 would be a fair price, which would m a k e t h e cost $270 74 or about $30 less. I have not agreed on any price with Mr. Jewell, not being authorized to do so, b u t have left the m a t t e r for y o u r decision. The frames and inside finish were job-let to Mattior & Scovell, of K a n k a k e e . The window frames delivered here have 1V6 inch thick sills, while 1% was given on t h e detail drawing, and they have not yet been accepted. Mr. Mattier, in Mr. Jewell's absence, has been notified, b u t no reply yet received. Mr. Brown has fulfilled his duties to my perfect satisfaction. In order to p r e p a r e the specifications and drawings without any more delay t h a n u n avoidable, especially as m u c h of my own t i m e has been required in t h e shop, I have been compelled to obtain some assistance in inking and t r a c i n g . Mr. W . A. Balcom, arch, student, worked four days @ 1 25 $ 5 00 Miss M. L. Page, " " 25 8V2-IQ days @ 1 25 32 30 I have personally expended for drawing materials, and other necessary expenses connected with chemical laboratory \ 21 90 Making, total office expenses $59 20

Detailed accounts of these expenses are in t h e hands of t h e business agent. All details of t h e building are completed, except mansard windows, chimney caps, stairs and iron railings and cresting. This will require about a w e e k ' s work, and I can have t h e m ready when they are required for the c o n t r a c t o r ' s u s e . An estimate was p r e p a r e d by Mr. Bunn, at beginning of Sept., 85 p e r cent, of which is a little over $1,900, has been paid to the contractor by p e r cent. V e r y respectfully submitted, N. CLIFFORD BICKER, Architect of Chemical Laboratory.

On motion, Mr. Gardner was authorized to take the necessary steps to furnish deeds to Mr. Burnell for lands sold to him. T h e repair of sidewalks was referred to Mr. Gardner and the business Agent. T h e following communication from Dr. F . W . Prentice, veterinarysurgeon, was received, and leave of absence was granted to him as re-