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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
846 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONTRACT W I T H OZARK AIR LINES FOR USE O F UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AIRPORT [Juty 2$ (10) The University has had a contract with Ozark Air Lines for the period January. 1 to June 30, 1951, for use of the Airport. The schedule of charges is $600 a month for general services furnished by the University and landing fees of $100 for each of the first two schedules, $50 each for the next four, and $25 each for remaining schedules. The present schedule of six nights per day has produced an income from landing fees of $400 per month. The Director of the Institute of Aviation and the Comptroller have negotiated a contract with Ozark Air Lines for a two-year period from July I, 1951, which does not require as much general service by the University as heretofore (Ozark will perform this with its own personnel). It provides for the following charges: (a ) Landing fees of $50 per schedule (a monthly income of $300 based on present schedules). ( b ) $75 per month for the rental of space occupied at the Airport. ( c ) Payment of $220 per month for line service by University personnel as requested by Ozark but not to exceed ten schedules a day. ( d ) The University will sell gasoline to Ozark at cost plus a handling charge of five cents per gallon. The contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty days' notice. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. On motion of Mr. Grange, this contract was authorized. CONTRACTS FOR C O N S T R U C T I O N OF A N A D D I T I O N T O T H E STOCK PAVILION (11) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of contracts as follows for the construction of an addition to the Stock Pavilion to house an abattoir and a chilling room and construction of holding pens, subject to the receipt of authority to begin construction from the National Production Authority: General work — C. A. Petry and Sons, Champaign .$57 100 Plumbing, heating, and ventilating work — F. R. Inskip and Company, Champaign 38 700 Electrical work— Brunkow Electric Company, Champaign. 5 050 Refrigerating installation — Punzak Air Conditioning and Sales Company, Springfield 2 857 These are the lowest bidders. The total budget for this project is $131,000. Funds are available for this project in (a) an appropriation of $10,000 from the General Reserve Fund made by the Board of Trustees on April 10, 1951, for the construction, of a chilling room; (b) $61,000 from the state appropriations for 1951-1953 for remodeling and modernization of existing buildings which funds are subject to release by the Governor; (c) $44,000 from the state appropriations for the construction of agricultural buildings made for 1949-1951, the unexpended balances in which were reappropriated for 1951-1953; (d) a proposed appropriation of $16,000 from receipts from sales of agricultural products (this being excess of receipts over estimated income budgeted from this source). Subsequent to receipt of bids, C. A. Petry and Sons submitted a proposal to change the construction of the cinder drives adjacent to this Stock Pavilion addition to stabilized 6 in. crushed stone with concrete curbs at a cost of $4,944. This addition is recommended because of the lower maintenance cost of such a drive as compared with a cinder drive which was originally specified. I concur and recommend that (a) an appropriation of $16,000 be made for accumulated agricultural receipts for this project; (b) the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute contracts as recommended; (c) an addition of $4,944 for the construction of crushed stone drives with concrete curbs be authorized in the general contract On motion of Mr. Nickell, this appropriation was made and the contracts authorized, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr.
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