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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 444]

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Release No. 58 "For Permanent Improvements at Urbana-Champaign— Additions to Power and Heating Plant and Remodeling of Existing Buildings" $25 000 This is a partial release from an appropriation of $1,215,000. The Governor has previously released (Releases Nos. 6, 13, 14, 16, 23, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 53) $1,169,922 from this appropriation. The funds now released are for the construction of a Diesel Engine House, as a part of the addition to the Power and Heating Plant. I recommend that these funds be appropriated by the Board for the purposes indicated.

On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these funds were appropriated, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Doctor Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Stevenson.

C O N T R A C T F O R A R C H I T E C T U R A L S E R V I C E S ON EXPANSION O F M E N ' S R E S I D E N C E HALLS (16) On September 29, 1950 (Minutes, page 367), the Board of Trustees approved in principle the first phase of the expansion of the Men's Residence Halls and awarded a contract for the preparation of plans and specifications for a residence hall including barracks type housing for 240 students. Further studies indicate that the capacity of this building can be increased to 288 without increasing the total estimated cost. This will not include food service facilities. Preliminary studies of the second phase for the expansion of Men's Residence Halls indicate that a desirable program will include ( a ) construction of a new unit to provide food service facilities for 1,000 men and housing for 96 men in single and double rooms, (b) converting the existing food service area in the present Men's Residence Halls, which now house 496 men students, to provide barracks type housing for an additional 76 men, and (c) some modernization of Busey and Evans Halls for women. Present estimates of construction costs and of the amount which can be borrowed and liquidated from income indicate that this enlarged program can be carried out without a capital subsidy. This contemplates refinancing the present Men's Residence Hall loan and the pledging of the net income (now unencumbered) from Busey and Evans Halls. T o complete the studies of this second phase, the Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an addition to the contract with Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Architects, Chicago, which now covers only the first phase, to include architectural services for the enlarged project at a fee of 6 per cent of the construction cost for complete architectural services, 75 per cent of which will be due on completion of the working drawings and specifications, and the full amount to be payable only if the construction and remodeling are completed. I concur and recommend further: 1. That the second phase of the expansion of Men's Residence Halls facilities be approved in principle subject to final approval after plans have been completed and bids received, and to further action on financing. 2. That the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute a contract with Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill as recommended above. 3- That an appropriation of $42,000 be made from the General Reserve to finance the completion of the plans to the point of taking bids, this appropriation to provide for payment of 75 per cent of the architects' fee and such costs as will be incurred by the Physical Plant Department.

On motion of Mrs. Watkins, authority was given, as recommended, and an appropriation of $42,000 was made for this addition to the contract by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Doctor Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Stevenson.