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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 ment of all general and hospitalization insurance for the University at UrbanaChampaign; conduct all negotiations for the purchase of insurance for UrbanaChampaign; issue and sign purchase orders and approve payment for insurance; handle insurance claims; supervise the disposition of hospitalization claims and collection of premiums; advise on procurement at all divisions of the University; advise on contractual insurance matters; handle correspondence; supervise office staff; perform related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: University graduate; at least three years experience in business, preferably insurance and accounting, at least one year of which should have been in a supervisory capacity in an insurance office; knowledge of insurance and purchasing procedures; administrative and supervisory ability; personality conducive to harmonious handling of University problems; minimum age twentyseven. Supervisor of Security and Traffic SALARY R A N G E : $300-450. DEFINITION: Under administrative supervision, to be responsible for registration, space assignments, control of University parking restrictions, motor vehicle regulations applying to students and staff of the University. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: Supervise registration, assignments of space and a p plication of motor vehicle laws and regulations; develop methods and maintain records in connection with the supervision of personnel required for watch service and campus security; develop traffic and parking plans for special events occurring on campus; codify University regulations pertaining to student conduct and law enforcement; through the Security Officer assist Disciplinary Committee on investigations of student irregularities; screen and process violation notices and complaints; maintain liaison with law enforcement agencies. QUALIFICATIONS: College graduate, or high school graduate with specialized training and administrative experience in a responsible position relating t o : registration and identification of motor vehicles; development of plans and procedures for handling major traffic problems; general security measures for the protection of life and property; criminal investigation; student/staff, and/or public welfare. Ability to develop office procedures and handle correspondence; ability to maintain agreeable relations with students, staff, associates, and the public; tact, resourcefulness, and integrity; above average physical condition; male; minimum age twenty-five. Supervisor of Security and Traffic, Assistant SALARY R A N G E : $265-350. DEFINITION: Staff assistant to the Supervisor of Security and Traffic to be responsible for such staff and investigative duties as may be assigned him by the Supervisor of Security and Traffic. DUTIES BY EXAMPLE: T O assist in or conduct all investigations assigned by the Supervisor of Security and Traffic. T o prepare comprehensive written r e ports of such investigations. T o establish and maintain files of individuals, organizations, incidents, or situations as may be pertinent to duties assigned. T o act as a Staff Assistant to Supervisor of Security and Traffic concerning general campus security. T o act as a liaison officer between the Office of Security and Traffic and other departments and agencies as directed; and to perform other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduate with at least two years' experience in a responsible position relating to general security and investigations pertaining to welfare and the protection of life and property; college training in law, psychology, or personnel relations desirable; the ability to make criminal investigations, investigations relating to student, staff, or public welfare and behavior, and to make detailed and comprehensive reports of such investigations; the ability to maintain amicable relations with students, staff members, and t h e general public. Must possess qualities of tact, resourcefulness, honesty, and integrity; good physical condition; minimum age twenty-five, maximum, forty-five. Washman, Head SALARY R A N G E : $200-280. DEFINITION: Under supervision to be responsible for washing of all soiled articles that a r e to be laundered.
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