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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1762 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Stenger, D. V., degree, 1553 Stenger, F. J., degree, 422 Stenn, F., appointment, 3515, 1183 Stennfeld, Donnette, appointment, 1163 Step, E. L., degree, 1538 Stephan, Ida H., appointment, 309, 1147 Stephan,1 Rosita, degree, 1572 Stephens , A. L., appointment, 1448 Stephens, C , appointment, -169, 1005 ' l;eave of absence, r28o Stephens, H. D., :Jr., degree, 388 Stephens, J. W., degree, 589 * Stephens, R. C , appointment, 272, 1108 Stephens, R. R., Jr., fellowship, 1352 Stephenson, A. R., degree, 1552 Stephenson, Dorothy L., degree, 1247 Stephenson, G. R., certificate, 489 Stephenson, L. P., appointment, 399 Stephenson, R. L., degree, 408 Stephenson, Romilda W., degree, 413 Stephenson, W. A:, appointment, 362 Stepner, Bacia R., appointment, 154, 689, 989 Sterilizer equipment, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 525 Sterilizers, purchase, Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 852 Biological Chemistry, 670 Pediatrics, 852 Research and Educational Hospitals, 1206, 1305 Sterling, A. I., certificate, 1338 Sterling, Mrs. Barbara M., appointment, 1124 Sterling, C. R„ degree, 818 Sterling, D. S., certificate, 1329 Sterling, Frances E., degree, 800 Sterling, H. D., certificate, 1329 Sterling, W. T,, certificate, 527 Stermer, W. H., appointment, 300, 1137 Stern, A. M., degree, 1281 Stern, Harriet R., appointment, 447, 875 Stern, I. J., degree, 811 Stern, J. A., degree, 1240 Stern, J. H., certificate, 1329 Stern, L. J., degree, 824, 1575 Stern, M., fellowship, 1485 Stern, R: H., degree, 811 Stern, W- L., appointment, 689, 1445 degree, 1283 Sternberg, M. A., degree, 814 Sternberg, P., appointment, 358 Sternburg, J. G., degree, 1534 fellowship, 448, 1279 Sterrett, H. L., degree, 596 Sterritt, R. E., appointment, 281, 1117 Stessl, L. A., degree, 822, 1571 Stetson, L. J., appointment, 362 Steuber, W., degree, 451 Stevens, D. J., degree, 1567 Stevens, G. A., appointment, 297 Stevens, Mrs. Marjorie A., appointment, 266 Stevens, Mrs. Peggy J., appointment, 1127 Stevens, R. B., degree, 816 Stevens, R. E., degree, 1282 Stevenson, A. L., appointment, 1459, 1499 Stevenson, D. R., degree, 424 Stevenson, Mrs. Grace M., appointment, 284 Stevenson, H. J., degree, 596 Stevenson, Mrs. Lou A., appointment, 276, 1093 Stevenson, Marietta, appointment, 181, 224, 572, 1016, 1061 Stevenson, Shirley, appointment, 320, 1158 Stevenson, ,W. L., degree, 1559 Steward, G. H., appointment, 282, 1119 Steward, J. H., appointment, 1337 Steward, Magdalen, appointment, 8 Stewart, C. L., appointment, 94, 511, 927 leave of absence, 1408 Stewart, Caroline, appointment, 324, 1162 Stewart, D. R., degree, 1399. Stewart, E. H., appointment, 325, 1167 Steed, D. W., appointment, n g o Steel, purchase, Noyes Laboratory, 614 Physical Plant, 32 Steel bridge columns, research, contract, 5^0 change, 610 Steel car wheels, study, contract, change, ijfio Steele, Betty J., degree, 1562 Steele, M. C., appointment, 430, 070 resignation, 1383 Steele, R. H., degree, 1567 Steel plate biaxial stress, study, contract, change, 713, 149s Steel tower, Radio Station, dismantle, transport, and erect, 343 Steers, Animal Science, purchase, 669, 1416 Stefanko, R., degree, 1552 Steffen, J. R., degree'; 1251 Steffens, H. S.'; degree, 799 Steffens, M. S., degree, 1398 Stegemeier, H., appointment, 79, 694, 912 leave of absence, 1408 Stegen, E. E., degree, 1S52 Steggerda, F. R., appointment, 82, 511, 915, '453 discovery, patent rights, release, 458 Stegmeir, C. R., degree, 796 Stehle, H. C , appointment, 1229 Stehr, G. E., degree, 1391 Steidinger, C. L., degree, 1572 Steidinger, Marilyn M., decree, 1560 Steidl, J. C , degree, 822 SteigeT, G. L., degree, 8r8" Steigmann, F., appointment, 204, 1039 Steimley, L. L., appointment, 80, 913 Stein, A. F,, appointment, 361, 1189 Stein, Dorothy A., appointment, 1106, m i Stein,' Elise, estate, gift, 1474 Stein, H. G., degree, 594 Stein, H. H., degree, 809 Stein, J. S., degree, 802 Stein, M. H., certificate, 489 Stein, Roberta L., degree,- 1398 Stein, S. N., appointment, 211, 1047 resignation, .1530 Steinbach, Emma, 'degree, 1250 Steinberg, A. R., degree, 1249 Steinberg, D. E., degree, 822 Steinberg, Mrs. Esther; appointment, 399 Steinberg, Harriet J,, degree, 59b Steinberg, I., degree, 807 Steinbrecher, Marilyn S., degree, 807 Steinbrecher, W. E„ Jr., degree, 799 Steiner, E. C., degree, 1240 fellowship, 1481 Steiner, G. A., appointment, 141, 976 Steiner, G. Y., appointment, 179, 511, 531, 1013 Steiner, M. L„ degree, 419 Steiner, Pauline J., appointment, 79,'912, 1528 Steinhauer, Carol L., appointment, 1174 Steininger, E. W., degree, 413 Steinke, Marie, appointment, 9 Steinway & Sons, purchase, 376, 440, 525, 711 Steitz, Charlotte E., appointment, 1229 Stella, J. P., degree, 813 Stelling, H. R., degree, 1238 Stelling, Mrs. Lois B., appointment, 243, 702, 1082, 1315, 1381 Stelling, Mrs. Mary A., appointment, 1099 Stelter, E. H., degree, 803 Stelzriede, W. Q., degree, 795 Stemler, W. C , degree, 419 Stencel, R. F., degree, 156.1 Stenderup, Margit R., appointment, 1229 degree, 1245 resignation, 1383 Stendler, Mrs. (Telia B., appointment, 151, 986 leave of" absence, 1353 Stengel, J. F., degree, 814 Stengel, R. J., degree, 823
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