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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sokoloff, Mrs. Gladys F., appointment, 283, 1x19 Sokoloff, Iris, appointment, 1381 Sokolov, Mrs. Irene M., appointment, 1132 Sokolowski, Opbia M., degree, 413 Sokolsky, I., appointment, 360 Sola, J. M., degree, 801 Solar, F. C , degree, 1561 Solem, Lois M., degree, 1560 Solem, R. J., degree, 803 Soliday, E. W., degree, 1563 Soling, J., degree, 596 Sollitt, S. S., Construction Co., contract, 1414 addition, 371, 545, 660 Soloman, R. E., appointment, 1096 Solomon, A. P., appointment, 361, 1190 Solomon, H. D., degree, 1399 Solomon, Janice C , degree, 808 Solomon, L. N„ resignation, 646 Solomon, Mrs. Olive P., appointment, 268 Solomon, W. H„ appointment, 272 Solon, Anne J., degree, 807 Soltan, J., degree, 1400 Solubility of boiler waters, study, contract, change, 1417 Solus, Eleanor R., degree, 823 Solyom, P., Jr., degree, 829 Somers, L. A., appointment, 112, 120, 945, 953 Somers, Mary G., degree, 1240 Somers, P. P., appointment, 105, 939 Somers, Therese, degree, 407 Sommer, F. H., certificate, 1338 Sommer, J. D., degree, 588 Sommer, Nancy W., degree, 1398 Sommer, W. A., degree, 1394 Sommers, Jeanne C , degree, 807 Sonder, E., degree, 1246 Sonenthal, I. R., appointment, 361, 1190 Song, P., degree, 1249 Songer, E. L., degree, 581 Sanger Chevrolet Sales, purchase, 31 Sonnenschein, C. L., appointment, 130, 964 declination, 1234 Sonnenschein, R., appointment, 212, 730, 1048 declination, 1234 Sonopol, Anne, degree, 1564 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, gift, 1211 Soper, H. E., degree, 1243 Sorensen, D. E., degree, 1240 Sorensen, G., degree, 589 Sorensen, G. E., gift, 1471 Sorenson, Mrs. H. Lynn, appointment, 280 Sorenson, Marie, appointment, 317, 1155 Sortini, A. J., degree, 787 Sortor, H. E., certificate, 1329 degree, 417 Sosin, A„ degree, 416 Sosin, Mrs. Dorothy S., appointment, 293 Sosin, M. P., degree, 817 Sostock, D. Av degree, 1559 Soteropoulos, J., degree, 807 Sotka, F. A., degree, 1243 Sotrop, E. J., degree, 827 Soucek, Mrs. Grace, appointment, 305, 1141 Souder, R. S., degree, 417 Sound projectors, Physical Plant, purchase, 558 Southard, C. W., degree, 1547 Southard, G. A., Jr., degree, 594 Southard, J. E., degree, 824, 1575 Southard, Mabel R., degree, 800 Southard, W. H., appointment, 399. '058. Southern California Edison, stock, sale, 834 Southern Natural Gas, stock, purchase, 835 South Farm, equipment, appropriation, 151 2 service building, purchase, 1343 Southvrick, H. W., appointment, 363, 1192. 1351 1759 Sove, R. B., degree, 814 Sowa, P. Y., degree, 1555 Sowards, G. W., appointment, 875, 981, 1179, 1448 Sowers, J. A., appointment, 298, 1134 Sowers, J. T„ degree, 593 Sowman, H. G., degree, 781 Soybean oil meal, protein value, study, contract, 668 Soybeans, loss from hail damage, study, contract, change, 1208 Sozen, M. A., degree, 1540 Spacher, Lorraine, appointment, 319, 1158 Spadaro, Constance, appointment, 309, 1146 Spadavecchio, V., degree, 818 Spaeth, J. N., appointment, 107, 940 Spaeth, R., appointment, 208, 1045 Spafford, Marjorie E., degree, 1555 Spak, D. D., degree, 1555 Spalding, R. C , degree, 1559 Spalding, W. B., appointment, 143, 979 resignation, 1522 Spale, Norma A., degree, 592 Spangler, H. J., degree, 424 Spanish and Italian, budget, 85, 267, 919, 1104 summer session, 699, 1454 fellows, 682, i486 Spannenberg, E. J., degree, 820 Spanton, C. L-, degree, 1548 Sparge, Mrs. Gladys, appointment, 333, 1175 Sparks, J., Jr., degree, 1536 Sparks, John Carston, degree, 1572 Sparks, John Commodore, degree, 585 Sparks, M. E., degree, 1549 fellowship, 1479 Sparks, M. L., Jr., degree, 833 Sparks, Q. V., degree, 1549 Sparks, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 281, 1117 Sparr, R. G., degree, 816 Spata, A., degree, 590 Spaulding, A. J., degree, 807 Spaulding, H. H., Jr., degTee, 1239 Spear, C. D„ degree, 1565 Spears, H. A., degree, 424 Specht, W. K., degree, 1568 Specialized Instrument Corp., purchase, 500, 1416 Spectrograph, Agronomy, purchase, 375 Spectrographic equipment, Agronomy, appropriation, 43s Chemistry, purchase, 613 Spectrometer, purchase, Chemistry, 502, 564 Electrical Engineering, 710 Spectrophotometers, Biological Chemistry, appropriation, 366 purchase, Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 852 Biological Chemistry, 440, 434 Chemistry, 854 Entomology, 500 Food Technology, 612 Home Economics, 30 Pediatrics, 852 Research and Educational Hospitals, 30 Speech, budget, 86, 267, 919, 1104 summer session, 699, 1455 fellows, 682, i486 fellowship, gift, Zeta Phi Eta, 1212 revolving account, 87, 020 Speech Clinic, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 remodeling, appropriation, 611 Speech clinics, Division of Services for Crippled Children, contracts, authority to execute, 1404 * Speed, Angela W., degree, 784 Speed, K., appointment, 362, 1191 Speedway Wrecking Co., contract, 1204 prevailing wage rates, schedule, 1205
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