UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1663]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Spring, R. F., degree, 1544 fellowship, 681 Springborn, R. C , degree, 809 Springer, C. H., appointment, 128, 962 leave of absence, 604 Springer, J. A., degree, 1549 Springer, K., appointment, 359, J188 Springer, Lorn a V., degree, 1551 Springer, Thelma, degree, 1396 Springfield Avenue, property at 601 East, purchase, 349 Sproat, R. A., appointment, 125, 57* degree, 580 Sproul, June H., degree, 1559 Sproull, R. L., appointment, 875 Sprow, A. J., appointment, 1229 Sprow, Mrs. Clementine, appointment, 1130 Spungen, K, M., degree, 797 Spungen, L. W-, degree, 804 Square Deal Electric, bid, 1519 contract, 26, 368, 493 addition, 495, 609 adjustments, 33, 441, 469, 524, 561, 611, 669, 713, 770, 866, 1209, 1328, 1361, 1465 Squibb, E. R., & Sons, contract, 33 gift, 553. 1215 Squire, F. H., appointment, 213, 1191, 1229 Sreebny, L. M., appointment, 217, 675, 1053 fellowship, 448 Staack, J. A., member of advisory committee, "95 Staack, Katherine A., degree, 1543 fellowship, 680 Staar, F., & Sons, Inc., contract, 1327 Staben, M. E., degree, 588 Stablein, P. R., degree, 1398 Stabler, R. N., degree, 822 Stabnow, Eunice, resignation, 405 Stachowski, H. J., degree, 801 Stack, T. N., fellowship, 676 Stadelman, Johanna, appointment, 311 Stadium Terrace, coke, purchase, 853 road and walk improvements, contract, 864 Stady, Muriel F., degree, 408 Staff, salary and wage increases, appropriations, request, 385 Staff Apartment Building in Chicago, builders* risk insurance, purchase, 1494 construction budget, revisions, 442 construction fund account, authority for withdrawals, 666 contract, electrical work, 650, 1312 electric service, 1264 elevators, 650, 1312 general work, 650, 1312 beating, 650, 1312 plumbing, 650, 1312 roofing and sheet metal work, 1264 ventilating, 650, 1312 electric ranges, purchase, 1494 refrigerators, purchase, 1494 site, clearance, 657 Staffeld, B. C , Jr., degree, I5S9 Staff insurance, budget, 61, 894 Stafford, C. R., appointment, 151, 985 degree, 413 Stafford, E. E., appointment, 63, 896 Stafford, G. T., appointment, 147, 159, 174, 097, 994* 1009 leave of absence, 1334, 1408 Stafford, S. M., degree, 814 Stafford, Wilma C , appointment, 364, 1193 Staggs, D. W., degree, 1394 Stagner, R., appointment, 83, 178, 916, 1014 Stagner, Rhea, degree, 807 Stab], Zoralyn M.t degree, 1396 Stahlberg, V. E., degree, 1555 Stahlheber, B. L., degree, 1552 Stahly, E. A., degree, 1549 Stahnke, Mrs. Beryl B„ appointment, 285

Speer, J. F., appointment, 76 declination, 449 Speer, Marian J.f degree, 1543 Speer, R., appointment, 1141 Speer, R. L., degree, 585 Spehn, R. J-, degree, 807 Speigel, I. J., appointment, 356, 1184 Spellberg, M. A., appointment, 354* 1182, 131S Spence, G., appointment, 358 Spence, J. M., appointment, 219, S"» i°55 Spencer, C. W-, degree, 1400 Spencer, E., appointment, 271, 1107 Spencer, E. D., degree, 827 Spencer, G. T., degree, 1249 Spencer, Mrs. Grace L., appointment, 304 Spencer, K. F., degree, 815 Spencer, Mary, appointment, 8 Spencer, T. J., degree, 818 Spencer, W. F., degree, 410, 1384 Spencer Chemical Co., contract, change, 610, '344 Spengler, E. P., Jr., degree, 1401 Spengler, J. J., appointment, 1478 Spengler, Lorraine M., degree, 1396 Speranza, G. P., degree, 782 Spergel, Bertha J., degree, 1547 Spergel, I. A., degree, 1547 fellowship, 777 Sperry, C. A., degree, 822, 1571 Sperry, D. A., degree, 451 Spesard, S. R., degree, 1568 Spevacek, J. F., certificate, 489 •Spicer, J. O., degree, 1572 Spiegel, E. H., degree, 827 Spiegel, Sally A., degree, 1396 Spiegel man, S., appointment, 71, 689, 903, 1445 Spiekerman, R. E., degree, 807 Spierling, H. C , appointment, 1351 degree, 1394 Spiers, LaVonne, degree, 785 Spies, H. W., appointment, 1381 Spiesman, I. G., appointment, 359, 1187 Spiewak, Mildred, fellowship, 682 declination, 732 Spille, D. F., degree, 1555 Spinka, H. M., appointment, 352, 1181 Spinozzi, G. J., degree, 1563 Spirakis, C. N., appointment, 1276, 1478 Spires, W. E., degree, 804 Spirito, F. C , degree, 829 Spiro, Barbara, appointment, 531, 1186 Spiroff, C. M., degree, 589 Spirothiobarbiturates, clinical evaluation, research, gift, 552 Spitler, J. C., appointment, 92, 925 Spittler, Lulu P. R., degree, 1250 Spitz, C. S., appointment, 272, 1108 Spitz, J. R., degree, 1247 Spitz, Mrs. Mary K., appointment, 290, 1126 Spitze, O., member of advisory committee, 119S Spivack, T. L., appointment, 363, 1192 Spivey, C., appointment, 140, 690, 975 Spivey, W. E., degree, 817 Spiwak, T., degree, 1396 Spomer, W. C , degree, 797 Spongberg, F., appointment, 312, 1149 Spooner, W. T., 818 Spradling, P. A., appointment, 167, 289, 1002, 1125 resignation, 1234 Sprague, M. A., appointment, 154, 689, 989 Sprague, R, E., degree, 822, 1571 Spray research, contract, 1206 gift, 1213 Sprehes Florence E., appointment, 272, 1108 Spretnjak, S. A., degree, 419 Spriggs, H. R., appointment, 221 degree, 830