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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Rubicon Co., purchase, 525 Rubin, B. A., certificate, 1329 Rubin, Mrs. Bunny R., appointment, 1350 Rubin, L., appointment, 352, 1180 Rubin, M., fellowship, 683 Rubinelli, J., degree, 803 Rubinroth, M. J., certificate, 1490 Rubinstein, G., degree, 1561 Ruby, G. B., degree, 788 Ruby Chevrolet, purchase, 525 Rucker, H. J., appointment, 93, 926 Rucker, Lora J., degree, 807 Ruckman, Kathleen, M., appointment, 183, 1018 Ruckrigel, D. G., degree, 421 Rudd, C. C , III, degree, 1565 Ruddy, W. H., degree, 587 Rude, C. A., degree, 594 Ruder's Valley View Farm, gift, 1213 Rudesill, Mrs. Margot G., appointment, 295 Rudin, Cecilia, M., appointment, 242, 1081 Rudman, H. C., appointment, 874, 981 degree, 413 Rudman, J. T., degree, 814 Rudnick, D. F., appointment, 364, 1193 Rudolph, D., appointment, 1276 degree, 577 Rudolph, Elsa A., appointment, 9 Rudolph, O. C , & Sons, purchase, 672 Rue, Myrna A., degree, 1396 Rueb, C. E., degree, 1549 Ruehe, H. A., appointment, 103, 937 leave of absence, 1408 Ruestmann, D. G., degree, 418 Ruettinger, J. C , scholarship, gift, 1211 Ruettinger, J. W., gift, 1211, 1219 Ruettinger, Phyllis P., memorial scholarship, gift, 548, 1211, 1219 Ruggie, A. N., appointment, 511, 1184 Rugs, Illini Union, purchase, 340, 341 Ruhm Phosphate & Chemical Co., .gift, 548 Ruhnow, L. A., appointment, 1137 degree, 422 Ruisdael painting, gift, 529 Ruiz, Helen T., degree, 800 Rule, T. K., degree, 417 Rumble, Mrs. Lucy K., appointment, 183, 1018 Rumbyrt, G. W., degree, 816 Rumery, Norma P., degree, 817 Rumley, C. D., degree, 424 Rump, Elizabeth G., degree, 1397 Rump, W. H., degree, 1530 Rund, C. J., appointment, 274, 1110 Runey, J. B., appointment, 398, 1018 resignation, 1234 Runser, Donna A., appointment, 302 Runyon, D. J., degree, 128s Ruopp, F. J., degree, 1561 Rupiper, S. J., degree, 1394 Ruppel, Frances, appointment, 301 Rupprecht, T. A., Jr., degree, 812 Rural electrification, equipment for research and teaching, appropriation, 521 Rush, C. D., degree, 810 Rush, H. F., appointment, 297, 1134 Rush, Patricia, appointment, 1130 Rusher, F. E. and Dorette J., gift, 607 Rusher, J. T., scholarship fund, established, 607 gift, 1211 Rush-Presbyterian, budget, 213, 1049 staff, salaries, discontinued, 861 Rushton, W., member of advisory committee, 1194 Rusk, H. P., appointment, 91, 101, MO, 9^5. 935. 9Si Ruskin, Jane M., degree, 418 Rusky, Lucille, appointment, 11 Russel, D. A., appointment, 775, 935. « * 9 Russell, B. C , degree, 1387 1745 Russell, C. K., appointment, 957 declination, 1234 degree, 801 Russell, D. A., degree, 804 Russell, F. A., appointment, 139, 974 Russell, F. S., Jr., degree, 413 Russell, G. D., degree, 796 Russell, H. G., appointment, 102, 119, 935, T, 9S' Russell, J. A., appointment, 78, 511, 910 leave of absence, 779 Russell, J. R., degree, 1555 Russell, J. U., appointment, 696 Russell, L. R., degree, 589 Russell, M. B., appointment, 736, 874, 931 Russell, Margaret F., appointment, 1095 Russell, Marian E., appointment, 224 resignation, 532 Russell, R. L., appointment, 282, 1117 Russell, Ramona J., appointment, 284, 1120 Russello, C. W., degree, 1562 Russell Report, President's memorandum, 516, 634 Russis, Euthemia, degree, 592 Rust, Eleanor, appointment, 330 Rust, Peggy J., degree, 1555 Rust, R. H., appointment, 100, 115, 531, 645, 934, 949, 1229 Rusten, A. M., certificate, 42 Ruszel, Virginia H., appointment, 1276 Rutgard, M. D., appointment, 1229 Ruth, C. E., degree, 1555 Rutherford, Helen S., appointment, 9 Rutherford, Rachel J., degree, 1244 Rutherford, W. M., degree, 591 fellowship, 1278, 1480 Ruthven, B. W., appointment, 179 resignation, 405 Rutter, Diane J., degree, 1400 Rutter, J., appointment, 1174 Rutter, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 1122 Ruwe, A. C , appointment, 95, 115 resignation, 532 Ruyter, Mrs. Florence N., appointment, 267 Ruyter, W. A., degree, 809 Ryan, D. G., appointment, 129, 696, 963 Ryan, E. D., appointment, 249, 703, 1088 Ryan, J. E., appointment, 299, 1135 Ryan, L. C , appointment, 329, 1171 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 5, 602, 1405 Ryan, Mary E., degree, 1543 Ryan, Richard J., degree, 1245 Ryan, Robert J., certificate, 42 Ryan, Roberta A., degree, 817 Ryan, W. R., degree, 595 Rybar, R. F., fellowship, 776 declination, 879 Rybicki, R. A. J., degree, 1561 Rycroft, Mrs. Emily, appointment, 325, 1167 Rycroft, Marilyn, appointment, 329 Ryder, B. L., fellowship, 678, 731 Ryder, D. P., degree, 818 Ryder, J. D., appointment, 126, 960 Ryder, J. P., certificate, 842 Ryerson, E. L., gift, 33 appreciation, 34 Ryerson fellowships, regulations, 762 Ryerson, J. T., & Son, Inc., purchase, 32 Ryglewicz, Emily J., degree, 1564 Rylowicz, R. A., degree, 1567 Rymarz, T. M., degree, 1557 Rzeszut, Josephine, appointment, 306, 1142 Rzeszut, Julia, appointment, 316, 1155 Saab, L. M., degree, 1556 Saad, L. J., degree, 1246 Saal, O. A., certificate, 1330 Saaringen memorial exhibition, rental of pictures, contract, 1305
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