UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1649]

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Salazar, P., Jr., degree, 814 Sale, C , appointment, 359 Salerno, H. F., appointment, 76, 909 Sales, J., degree, 1388 Saligupta, C , degree, 587, 1540 Saline County experimental field, agreement with Texas Oil Co., 708 Salisbury, G. W., appointment, 103, 937 Salisbury, R. H., fellowship, 1485 Sallach, H. J., appointment, 398 leave of absence, 532 Salladay, Ruth M., appointment, 324 Sallo, J. S., degree, 809 Salomon, D., appointment, 305 Salomon, Ellen M., degree, 1556 Saloom, J. A., Jr., appointment, 571, 775, 962 declination, 1234 degree, 782 Salsbury's Laboratories, contract, 1206 Saltiel, D. N., certificate, 1338 Saltiel, R. D., certificate, 771 Saltiel, T. P., appointment, 360, 1189 Saltzman, C. I., certificate, 430 Salzman, A. G., degree, 1400, 1577 Salzman, Freda F., degree, 583 fellowship, 681 Salzman, G., degree, 383 fellowship, 682, 1485 Salzman, H. H., appointment, 289, 1125 Salzman, N. P., fellowship, 678, 731. 1481 Samartano, J. A., degree, 587 Sambo, J. F., degree, 594 Sami, Sabri, degree, 580 fellowship, 1482 Sammons, Mrs. Carmine, appointment, 1159 Sampson, J., appointment, 113, 164, 947, 999 Sampson, R. M., degree, 807 Samter, M., appointment, 204, 398, 1039, 1315 Samuel, Esther, appointment, 311, 1148 Samuels, Lois S., degree, 1560 Samuels, W. P., fellowship, 1481 Samuelson, Mae, appointment, 322, 1164 Sanasarian, L. A., degree, 1561 Sanborn, E. B., Jr., appointment, 1276 Sanborn, Mary C , degree, 1249 Sanborn, R. C., appointment, 351, 398 resignation, 1353 Sanborn, R. G., appointment, 971 Sanborn, R. T., degree, 1569 Sanborn Co., purchase, 613 Sanchez, J., appointment, 241, 1081 Sanchez, L. A., appointment, 7, 85 cancellation, 449 Sandage, C. H., appointment, 138, 166, 974,

1001, 1002

Saathoff, Dorothea M., apopintment, 1129 Saathoff, Gladys E., appointment, 260 Saathoff, Lucille J., appointment, 270, 1106 Sabath, A. T., degree, 1563 Sabath, G. M., degree, 590 Sabbatical leaves of absence, list, 475, 603,


Sabella, J. P., degree, 807 Sabine, Sadie L., degree, 577 Sabins, F. F., fellowship, 1483 declination, 1487 Sablack, W. F., degree, 1555 Sabry, A. A., fellowship, 1352 Sacco, F. R., degree, 794 Sacco, G. F., degree, 588 Sachar prize in history, gift, 1211 Sachs, Ileane, degree, 1396 Sachs. Mrs. Selma Z., appointment, 1101 Sackett, A. D., purchase, 1343 Sackheim, Alice K., appointment, 244, 703, 1083, 1458 Sackheim, G. I., appointment, 244, 703, 874, 1083, 1458 Sackrison, A. W., degree, 810 Sackrison, N. B., degree, 1557 Sacks, Martin, fellowship, 1352, i486 Sacks, Marvin, degree, 1249 Sacks, Naomi, appointment, 1169 Sacks, Pearl, degree, 807 Sadauskas, Frances H., certificate, 771 Saddler, C. C , Jr., degree, 787 Sadler, G. H„ appointment, 1098 Sadler, G. W., degree, 1245 Sadler, Mrs. Marilyn R., appointment, 258,


Sadoff, H. L., degree, 1539 Sadorus, M. F., appointment, 280, 1116 Sadove, M. S., appointment, 213, 675, 1049 Sadowsky, L., degree, 821 Saewert, R. C., degree, 594 Safady, R. J., degree, 809 Safar, M. R., degree, 822, 1571 Safe, Business Office, appropriation, 611 Chicago Undergraduate Division, purchase, S5» Safety improvements, Agricultural Engineering Building, appropriatton, 655, 1413 contracts, 1414 Sagan, J., Jr., degree, 782 Sager, N. R., degree, 422 Sager, W. M., degree, 585 Sagik, B. P., appointment, 689, 1445 Sagmanli, 2., degree, 789 Sagona, F. M., resignation, 405 Sagraves, Marjorie A., degree, 785 Sagura, f. J., fellowship, 1481 Sahlin, C. J., degree, 820 Sahlin, L. G., certificate, 1357 Saillard, M. S., degree, 589 Saillard, Mrs. Ruth M., appointment, 260 Sailor, H. L., degree, 1549 Sainati, E., resignation, 449 St. Clair, Jane, appointment, 645 resignation, 1234 St. Clair, L. E., appointment, 113, 162, 947, 997 St. John, C , degree, 1541 St. John, C. W., appointment, 1125 St. John, J. M., degree, 589 St. John, R. M., fellowship, 681 decimation, 684 St. Louis Regional Planning and Construction Foundation, gift, 1469 St. Onge, G. J., degree, 588 St. Rita High School, contract, 1305 Sakagami, T., degree, 1250 Sakamoto, A., appointment, n 84 Sako, K., degree, 824, 1575 Sakuragi, T„ fellowship, 1483 Salary ranges, civil service, changes, 12, 19, 737 Salazar, Isaura E., degree, 1245

Sandburg, B. R., degree, 807 — Sandburg, H. W., degree, 1575 Sandeen, Sonia M., degree, 1543 Sanders, C. M., degree, 810 Sanders, Dorothy, appointment, 320 Sanders, K. L., Jr., degree, 792 Sanders, Lenore, degree, 420 Sanders, ShMey A., degree, 1555 Sanders, W.TB., appointment, 134, 969 leave of absence, 1384 Sanderson, R. S., degree, 807 Sandifer, M. D., degree, 1543 Sandlow, R. A., degree, 814 Sandner, D. F-, degree, 454 Sandri, W. N., degree, 810 Sandrock, G. H., appointment, 334, 1176 Sands, A. M., appointment, 302, 1138 Sands, C. L., appointment, 1137 Sands, Elizabeth M., degree, 1536 Sands, T. C , degree, 807 Sands, J. H., degree, 1401 Sands, R. L., degree, 1555 Sands, Mrs. Vera M., appointment, 288, 1124 Sandstedt, D. A., degree, 821 Sandstrom, G. A., appointment, 76 resignation, 573 Sandusky, M. H., degree, 1251