UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1642]

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Reliable Paper Co., purchase, 526 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 340, 345. 368, 527, 714, 847, 848, 1203, 1518 addition, 345, 864 adjustments, 33, 379, 469, 524, 561, 610, 668, 669, 713, 770, 865, 1209, 1264, 1306, 1328, 1345, 1361, 1417, 1465, 1495. 1522 change, 5.28 Reliable Sheet Metal Works, Inc., contract, 650, 1312 Reliance Cabinet Co., contract, 1414 Remdt, W. B., degree, 420 Remer, N. A., degree, 420 Remington, G.'A., degree, 1386 Remington, Janet, degree, 1560 Remington Rand, Inc., purchase, 558, 611,



Remke, C. R., degree, 583 Remley, Mrs. Josephine, appointment, 328, 1169 Remley, M. £ . , appointment, 1275 degree, 1386 Remond, A. J. G., appointment, 1228, 1275 Remus, E. A., degree, 424 Renal hypertension, research, gift, 551, 555,

12x4, 1216, 1217

Renda, C. R., degree, 807 Render, V. R-, degree, 413 Rendleman, J. S., degree, 584 Rendone, P. R., degree, 811 Renfro, Elizabeth J., degree, 812 Renfro, R. J., degree, 804 Renfro, Udell, appointment, 1170 Renfroe, E. W., appointment, 220, 1056 Renfrow, O. W., appointment, 874, 981 Renin, research, patent, release, 518 Rennels, R. G., appointment, 107, 941 Renner, S. G., Jr., degree, 1389 Renney, Katheryn E., appointment, 675 Renshaw, A., appointment, 315 Repke, P. W., degree, 1567 Replinger, J. G., appointment, 398, 1228 Replogle, V. L„ degree, 576 Republic Coal & Coke Co., compliance with contract specifications, report, 377 contract, 29, 506, 850, 1312 purchase, 767, 1521 Republic Steel, Berger Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1416 Reqnarth, W. H., appointment, 214, 1050 Research, general, budget, 137, 283, 972, 1120 Research and Educational Hospitals, addressograph equipment, appropriation, 492 purchase, 502 air-conditioning unit, contract, 502 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 3g, 40, 365 budget, 225, 316, 1062, 1153 electrocardiogram and basal metabolism units, relocation, appropriation, 476 electroencephalographic equipment, purchase, funds, gift, 523 elevators, repair, contract, 1360 replacement, contract, referred to Committee on Chicago Departments, 472 equipment, appropriation, 435 funds, gift, epilepsy clinic, 554, 556 occupational therapy, 554 tumor clinic, 556 operating rooms, appropriation, 521 purchase, furniture, 670 laboratory order forms, 853 lockers, 1416 patient room furniture, 1416 spectrophotometer, 30 sterilizer, 1206, 1305 vitamin capsules, 1466 X-ray unit, 1359 . . . relocation of equipment units, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 1199

Research and Educational Hospitals, cont'd remodeling, appropriation, 435, 611, 1350, 1493 contracts, 464, 471, 608 steel rolling shutters, contract, x6 television set, gift, 1216 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, builders' all-risk insurance, 32 contract, electrical work, addition, 1261 change, 532, 639, 1519 general work, change, 522, 639 heating, change, 640 heating and refrigeration, addition, 1262 kitchen equipment, addition, 707 a change, 640 pipe covering, change, 640 plumbing, change, 640 refrigeration work; change, 640 ventilating work, change, 639 funds, release, 491, 706 operation, appropriations, request, 384 Research and Marketing Extension Fund, budget, 118, 953 Research and Marketing Fund, budget, 11$, 275, 949, m i Research and Service, Bureau of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 38 budget, 151, 285, 1)86, 1122 printing of book, Dewey's essays, 377 Research Board, funds, additional, appropriation, 470 Research contracts, government, patent policy, 665 indirect costs, rules, revision, 1256 Research Corp., gift, 1213 Research Corp., of New York, patent services, 534 Research exhibits, Chicago Professional Colleges, budget, 199, 1035 Research on Exceptional Children, Institute for, established, 1523 Research planning reports, preparation of, study, contract, 378 Reserve Officers' Training Corps, facilities at Chicago Undergraduate Division, appropriation, 1199, 1324 balances reappropriated, 40 remodeling, contract, 1260, 1517 officers assigned to duty at University, academic ranks, 1337 sword and scabbard, gift, 12x1 uniforms, purchase, 344, 527 Residence Halls, budget, 64, 66, 194, 897, 899, Chicago, builders' risk insurance, purchase, '495 . construction fund account, authority for withdrawals, 666 contracts, 650, 1312 site, clearance, 657 relocation of alley, 656 expansion, appropriation, 763 architectural services, 367, 379, 541, 1240 additional, payment, 1301 bonds, attorneys employed, 763, 1267 authority to award, 1343 authority to sign, 1343 award, 1356, 1362 bids, 1356 authority to secure, 763, 1267 redemption, 1341 resolution authorizing issue, 1363 contracts, 763, 1290 authority to award, 1267 conditions, 1290 engineering services,' steam service connections, 763 fire protection improvements, funds, 1374 proposed, 367 revised program, 1267 steam service piping, contract, 1406 bonds, attorneys employed, 763, ia6y

1027, 1029, 1139