UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1641]

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Refrigerators, residence hall in Chicago, contract, 650, 1312 purchase, Animal Science, 439 Dairy Science, 439 Physical Plant, 1494 Regal, S. I., degree, 1392 Regan, P. H., degree, 821 Regan, T. J., Jr., degree, 580 Regas, J. A., degree, 814 Regenerating tissue, control of abnormal growth, research gift, 550 Regional Research Fund, budget, 115, 275, 949 Register, Mrs. Joetta, appointment, 1135 Reglin, Mary E., appointment, 1308 Regnell, Barbara W., degree, 1393 Regnell, J. A., appointment, 289, 1125 Regnier, E. H., appointment, 95, 119, 928, 952 Rehagen, F. S., degree, 1562 Rehberg, R. R., degree, 413 Rehder, H., appointment, 78, 694, 911 Rehn, F. K. M., Inc., purchase, 711 Rehnquist, T. A., Co., contract, 370 Reichelt, Jeannine A., degree, 791 Reichenbach, R. H., degree, 1561 Reichenbach, R. R., fellowship, 1484 declination, X487 Reichers, Caroline, appointment, 213 Reichert, J. L., member of advisory committee, 563 Reickert, F. A., appointment, 124, 958 leave of absence, 1235 Reid, C. E., appointment, 326, 1168 Reid, D. G., degree, 598 Reid, E. A., appointment, 126, 960 Reid, Margaret G., appointment, 141, 976 resignation, 1502 Reid, Norma T., degree, 1236 Reifman, R. A., degree, 1572 Reifsteck, Betty L., appointment, 259, 1095 Reifsteck, E., appointment, 288, 1124 Reihmer, G. W., degree, 1539 Reiland. P. L. J., degree, 807 Reilly, D. W., degree, 802 Reilly, Ellen, appointment, 1142 Reilly, J., certificate, 1338 Reilly, R. W., fellowship, 877 Reilly, W., certificate, 488 Reilly, W. J., degree, 424 Reimer, D. R., degree, 420 Reimer, E. R., appointment, 278, 1114 Reinauer, R„ degree, 1401 Reihecke, Catherine E., degree, 1567 Reiner, D., degree, 795 Reiner, I., appointment, 81, 696, 914 Reiner, R. C., degree, 808 Reinert, J. M., degree, 587 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, contract, 1417 change, 769 Reinhardt, J. F., degree, 803 Reinhardt, Mrs. Shirley, appointment, 1095 Reinhart, J - ^ \ , appointment, 274, n r o Reinhart, J. H., degree, 781 Reinhart, W. G., appointment, 1107 Reinhart, W. H., appointment, 273, 1109 Reininger, E. J., degree, 1545 Reinmund. E. D., degree, 821 Reinsch, A. J., degree, 1240 Reinsch, R. T., degree, 1553 Reischer, H. G., degree, 789 Reisman, P., degree, 591 Reisner, D. R., degree, 816 Reiss, F. J., appointment, 95, 928 degree, 1532 Reistroffer, L. P., degree, 422 Reitsch, C. P., degree, 815 Reitsch, R., director of Athletic Association, 1409 Reitz, R. A., degree, 583 Reitze, Alberta £., resignation, 404 Reizner, M. N., degree, 829

Recka, R. E., degree, 1394 Reckling, Rosemarie, degree, 420 Recorder, sound-on-film, Photographic Laboratory, purchase, 500 Recordings, Radio Station, rental, 767 Recording tape. Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 1305 Records, J. K., appointment, 127 resignation, 404 Recreation, graduate program, 1509 Redden, H. F., appointment, 398 cancellation, 479 Reddick, G. E., appointment, 87 Reddick, Marjorie D., degree, 1236 Reddinger, Patricia A., degree, 590 Redfield, A. G., degree, 1391 fellowship, 681 declination, 684 Redfield, Edith B., degree, 453 Redmon, Mrs. Pearl E., appointment, 273,


Redmond, Frances, appointment, 10 Reece, E. J., appointment, 531, 1350, 14SI Reece, Florence L., appointment, 269, 1106 Reed, C. A., appointment, 221, 1058 Reed, C. I., appointment, 210, 1046 Reed, Cordelia, appointment, 77, 910 Reed, D. E., degree, 815 Reed, J. P., degree, 452 Reed, Mrs. K. Yvonne, appointment, 276 Reed, M. B., appointment, 126, 960 Reed, Margaret A., appointment, 109, 115. 116 Reed, Mildred E., appointment, 140, 975 Reed, Mrs. Patricia P., appointment, 292,


Reed, R. H., certificate, 1490 Reed, R. M., degree, 1384 Reed, T. A., degree, 420 Reeder, C. L-, appointment, 1528 Reeder, E. H., appointment, 144, 692, 980, 1447 Reeder, L. J., Jr., degree, 799 Reeder, Virginia S., degree, 1547 Reeder Auto Sales, purchase, 341 Reed Research, Inc., purchase, 710 Reedy, J. D., degree, 1549 Reedy, Jean, appointment, 62 declination, 404 Reep, H. D., degree, 1284 Rees, O. W., property, purchase, 3 Reese, D. G., degree, 799 Reese, Mrs. Mary C , appointment, 774, 1016 Reese, R. W., degree, 824 Reeve, Joan B., degree, 817 Reeve-Roberts, Hope, degree, 807 Reeves, Elizabeth J., appointment, 162, 511, 997 Reeves, H. P., appointment, 85, 919 Reeves, Jeniel, appointment, 1528 Reeves, Madelon, appointment,'8 Reeves, O. T., degree, 792 Refractories, enamel smelter operation, study, contract, change, 668 new compositions and structures, discovery, patent application, 337 Refrigeration compressors and coils, residence halls in Chicago, contract, 650, 1312 Refrigeration equipment, Chemistry, purchase, Refrigeration Research Foundation, Inc., contract, 1264 Refrigeration work, contract, Animal Sciences Laboratory, addition, 473 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, 1414 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, addition, 1262 change, 640 residence halls, 1290 Stock Pavilion addition, 846 Veterinary Medicine Building annex, 493