UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1640]

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Ramek, Joyce S., degree, 807 R a m e y , O. W . , degree, 418 Ramirez, M r s . Maria D . , appointment, 324, 1162 Ramis, R., degree, 1560 Ramos, F . V . , degree, 1240 Ramsden, R. E . , degree, 1392 Ramser, J. H . , appointment, 97, 930 Ramsey, Edith, appointment, 317, 1155 Ramsey, E v a , appointment, 317, 1155 Ramsey, Georgia M . , degree, 828 Ramsey, J., appointment, 306, 1143 Ramsey, J. P . , degree, 1401 R a m s e y , W . L., degree, 1237 Ramsey, W . M., degree, 597 Ramshaw, W . C , appointment, 301 Ramza, M . J., degree, 797 Ranee, Joan E . , degree, 807 Rand, S. B., degree, 593 Randall, F . J., Jr., degree, 799 Randall, J., degree, 1247 Randall, J. G., appointment, 79, 912 book, printing, 377 Randall, W . E . , Jr., appointment, 1491 Randell, Norma, appointment, 1143 Randell, R., degree, 790 Randolph, M r s . B e s s W . , appointment, 268 Randolph, Josephine A . , degree, 1555 Randolph, Kathryn S., degree, 424 Randolph, P. G., degree, 1284 Rane, Marie, appointment, 332, 1174 Raney, C. C , appointment, 300, 1136 Raney, M r s . N . Jean, appointment, 1130 Ranke, E . J., appointment, 204, 1039 Rankin, E . P . , degree, 823 Rankin, F. H . , appointment, 92, 925 Rankin, O. R., appointment, 74, 907 degree, 1386 R a n n e y , M r s . Elizabeth M . , appointment, 1130 R a n n e y , J. A . , appointment, 82, 916, 1454 Ransdell, P . E . , degree, 1555 Ransom, J . R., degree, 786 Ransom, W . E . , degree, 597 Ranz, J., appointment, 184 Ranz, W . E., appointment, 123, 905 leave of absence, 1353 Ranzenberger, G. F., degree, 803 Rao, R. N . , degree, 578 Raper, H . E „ degree, 1248 Raper, K. B . , appointment, 71, 904 Rapp, Mrs. Esther H . , appointment, 75, 908 leave of absence, 604 Rapp, F. M., degree, 817 Rapp, M . G., degree, 1398 Rappaport, A . , degree, 822, 1571 Rappaport, B. Z., appointment, 3 5 3 , 1181 gift, 556 Rappaport, M r s . Esther, appointment, 307 Rappaport, I., degree, 1572 Rappaport, R., degree, 417 Rappaport, S. H . , degree, 810 Rappeport, Evelyn J., degree, 813 Rasch, A . R., degree, 829 Rascher, V . H . , degree, 1549 Rascher & Betzold, Inc., purchase, 838, 852, 1520 Rasgon, I. M., degree, 1572 Rash, L . E . , degree, 424 Rashenskas, E . L., degree, 1252 Raska, S. B . , degree, 1573 Raskin, A . , degree, 790 fellowship, 1278 R a s m u s s e n , Betsy, appointment, 9 fellowship, 1232 R a s m u s s e n , Carol N . , appointment, 774 R a s m u s s e n , D . E . , degree, 1386 R a s m u s s e n , Mary H . , fellowship, t 4 » 4 R a s m u s s e n , N . P . , degree, 799 R a s m u s s e n , R. J., degree, 818 Rasner, M r s . Mary V . , appointment, 1124 Rasor, N . S., degree, 795 R a s s o , A . C , degree, 1542


Ratajack, Grace, appointment, 1160 Ratajczylc, Alice, appointment, 321 Ratajik, Alyda R., degree, 824, 1575 Ratcliff, Mrs. Pat A., appointment, 1095 Ratcliffe, T . E . , appointment, 186, 1021 Rathbone, D . E., fellowship, 679 cancellation, 778 Rathelag, J. C , degree, 597 Rattner, A., appointment, 1528 Ratzesberger, Lelia M., degree, 807 Ratzka, W . , certificate, 42 Ratzki, J. W . , degree, 801 Rau, Irma J., degree, 1249 Rau, J. E . , certificate, 842 Rauch, Irene, degree, 1246 Raud, Elizabeth, appointment, 1166 Rausch, Dorothy, appointment, 8, 2 2 3 , 1060 Rausch, J. P., degree, 424 Rauschenberg, R. A . , degree, 808 Rauschenberger, J. W . , appointment, 154, 6 8 9 , 989 Ravanelli, Lydia, appointment, 1159 Ravenna, P . , appointment, 354, 1182 Rawcliffe, R. 1)., appointment, 132, 698, 967, 1453 Rawdon Smith Associates, purchase, 1465 Rawitch, M . A . , degree, 1572 Rawlins, H . L., degree, 1242 Rawson, R. D . , degree, 1575 Ray, M r s . Anna S., appointment, 288, 1124 Ray, B . R., appointment, 72, 874, 905 Ray, B . W . , appointment, 100, 114, 934, 948 Ray, Donnadean C , diploma, 1575 Ray, G. N . , appointment, 74, 907, 1449 leave of absence, 1459 Ray, H . C , appointment, 326, 1168 Ray, H . H . , appointment, 1108 Ray, J. D . , Jr., degree, 1281 Ray, Mary, appointment, 355, 1184 Ray, O. H . , appointment, 278, 1114 Ray, W . E., degree, 5 9 3 , 1392 Rayborn, C. E . , degree, 785 Rayburn, J. P., appointment, 2 7 1 , 1107 Raymer, J. M . , degree, 589 Raymon, F., Jr., degree, 8 3 1 , 157s fellowship, 448 Raymond, R. L., appointment, 1228 degree, 789 Rayner, W . H., appointment, 124, 6 9 1 , 958, 1447 Raytheon Manufacturing Co., purchase, 4 6 8 , 501 Raywid, Mary A., degree, 408 Reach, C , degree, 1572 Read, C. D . , degree, 1550 Read, Mrs. Ellen D . , appointment, 257 Read, H . , appointment, 9 2 , 118, 925, 950, 9 5 2 leave of absence, 1488 Read, R. E . , degree, 1567 Read, S. E . , appointment, 258, 1094 Read, S. W . , degree, 785 Read, W . B., & Co., purchase, 341, 4 4 0 , 7 " Reagan, Ellen A . , degree, 592 Reagan, G. W . , appointment, 145, 6 9 2 , 980, 1448 Real estate t a x e s , exemption, letter of H . H . Harmon, referred to General Policy Committee, 1270 report, 1531 payments in lieu of, 4 4 1 , 469 Reardon, H . T . , Jr., degree, 799 Reardon, N . D . , bequest, payment received, 1467 Reaser, M r s . M a r y W . , appointment, 1096 Reavley, C. E . , certificate, 842 Rebber, Lelah, appointment, 3 2 0 Rebecca, S . J., degree, 1567 Rebsch, Margaret A . , degree, 828 Receptacles, Electrical Engineering, purchase, 344 Recher, A . W . , degree, 4 2 2 Reck, R. H . , degree, 417