UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1639]

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Radio Station, cont'd budget, 169, 289, 1004, 112S purchase, equipment, 500 field bolts for television tower, 526 recording tape, 837 recordings, rental, 767 steel tower, dismantle, transport, and erect, 343 transcription disks, contract, 1208 transmitter building and tower, appropriation, 492 contracts, 493 location, 492 power and lighting, contract, 560 well, transmitter site, drilling, 500 Radio writing awards, funds, gift, 548 Radium Chemical Co., Inc., purchase, 30 Radke, C. F., degree, 816 Radome, Physics, purchase, 1476 Radomski, R. F. A., degree, 821 Radosevich, J. R., degree, 820 Radosza, J. E., degree, 795 Radway, J. E., degree, 1396 Radwell, Thelma I., appointment, 255, 1092 Radzimovsky, E. I., appointment, 398, 964, 1380 Rae, A., appointment, 166, 874, 1002 Rae, E. C , appointment, 154, 689, 989 Raemer, R. D., degree, 1561 Raff, M. A., degree, 816 Raffensperger, J. G., degree, 454, 157 2 Rafferty, K. A., degree, 796 Rafner, R. S., fellowship, 682 declination, 732 Ragen, Shirley, appointment, 1164 Raggi, R. A.,, degree, 1251 Ragins, A. B., appointment, 360, 1188 Ragins, H. D., degree, 827, 831 Ragins, O. B., appointment, 353, 1181 Ragland, G. C , degree, 454 Rago, J. W., degree, 1558 Ragouzis, P. N., degree, 1252 Ragsdale, R. D., degree, 1386, 1389 Rahlfs, Dorothea, appointment, 321, 1164 Rahn, D. A., degree, 819 Rahn, S. W., appointment, 263, 1099 Raica, G. A., Jr., degree, 1563 Railroad rails, causes of failures, study, contract, change, 668, 1464 Railroad roadbed stabilization, study, contract, change, 1417 Railsback, O. L., appointment, 247, 702, 1085, 1457 Raines, B. R., degree, 1285 Raines, Mrs. Betty L., appointment, 1101 Raines, I. I., degree, 1385 Rainey, R., appointment, 364, 1192 Rain gauge. State Water Survey, purcnase,


Quirke, T. T., degree, 810 Quiros, J. L., degree, 1553 Quist, J. E., degree, 1551 Quonset building, State Water Survey, electrical work, 1416 interior construction, 1416 purchase, 1416 uraishee, M. M., degree, 1397 uraishi, K., degree, 1547 Raasch, Elaine L., degree, 1239 Rabelo, Martin, J., appointment, 364 Rabens, I. A., appointment, 353, " 8 1 Rabin, H., degree, 79s Rabin, Joan F., degree, 807 Rabin, Z., degree, 818 Rabinov, K. R., degree, 810, 1575 Rabinovitz, A. J., degree, 824, 1575 Rabinowitch, E. I., appointment, 136, 97' Rabinowitz, S., degree, 592 Rabkin, N. C , degree, 807 Race, T. A., degree, 817 Race Street, improvement, University's share of cost, 1301 property at 1704 South, purchase, 3 garage, contract, 502 Race Street and Florida Avenue housing project, drives, surfacing, contract, 26 6ues and chimneys, contract, 1344 inclusion in Urbana Park District, 1419 sidewalks, construction, contract, 436 Race Street area, sanitary sewer,' extension, University's share of cost, 46s Rachlin, N. S., certificate, 842 Racine, Shirley J., degree, 420 Rada, R. O., degree, 1551 Radar mechanics test battery, research contract, 378 Radcliffe, D. H., degree, 1541 Radcliffe, Mrs. Louise E., appointment, 316, "54 Radek, Antoinette, appointment, 8, 319, 115° Radeka, P., degree, 1562 Raden, E. A., certificate, 842 Rader, R. R., appointment, 1275 Radice, C , appointment, 246, 398, 1084 Radich, Agnes A., degree, 820 Radio, Wire Television Co., Inc., purchase, 852 Radiocarbon Laboratory, electrometer, purchase, 1326 furniture, purchase, 615 laboratory equipment, purchase, 1304 remodeling, appropriation, 521, 638 balance reappropriated, 1198 contract, adjustment, 770, 865, 866, 1209, 1361 electrical work, 638 general work, 638 heating, 638 plumbing, 638 ventilating and air conditioning, 638 Radio Corp. of America, gift, 1468 purchase, 500, 558, 852, 1205, 1466 Radio direction finding equipment, discovery, patent rights, release, 1463 Radio equipment, Institute of Aviation, purchase, 837 Radiology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39 budget, Dentistry, 220, 314, 1057, 1152 Medicine, 212, 312, 1048, 1149 Research and Educational Hospitals, 230, 323, 1069, 1165 clinical faculty, 362, 1192 purchase, betatron X-ray tube, 501 ionization measuring unit, 30 surface grinder, 374 research, gift, 1217 X-ray tube, appropriation, 435 Radio Station, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38

Rains, J., appointment, 270 Raisbeck, A., appointment, 362 Raisler, Beverly J., degree, 810 Raizes, M. P., degree, 797 Raju, P. T., appointment, 1333 Rak, J. P., •degree, 821 Rakebrand, A. W., degree, 1577 Raleigh, W. T., degree, 823 Rail, R. W., degree, 793 Rally, F. C , degree, 1249 Ralph, W. D., Jr., fellowship, 1481 Ralston, Cynthia F., degree, 1550 Ralston, D. C , degree, 1551 Ralston, H. A., degree, 1551 Ralston Purina Co., gift, 1212 Rama, R., fellowship, 513 declination, 646 Ramaniah, M. V., fellowship, 678, 1278, 1481 Ramaswami, D., appointment, 1315 degree, 1569 fellowship, 1232 resignation, 1280 Ramberg, E. R., degree, 1570