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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1728 1171 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pnugmacher, 1114 Peterson, Mrs. Irene B., appointment, 329, Peterson, J. E., degree, 821 Peterson, J. R., degree, 1399 Peterson, j . W., appointment, 358, 1186 Peterson, Janet B., degree, 575 Peterson, Jean S., degree, 1555 Peterson, Joyce E., degree, 812 Peterson, L. A., director of Athletic Association, 604 Peterson, L. F., appointment, 357, 1185 Peterson, L. S., degree, 587 Peterson, L. V., appointment, 145, 170, 1006 Peterson, L. W., appointment, 214, 1050 Peterson, P. A., appointment, 689 fellowship, 677, 1480 Peterson, P. E., appointment, 1380 degree, 417, 1392 Peterson, Patricia L., degree, 807 Peterson, R. C , degree, 801 Peterson, R. H., Jr., degree, 8or Peterson, Robert Lenus, appointment, 59, 397, 892, 978 Peterson, Robert Louis, degree, 1401 Peterson, T. B., appointment, 167, 1002 Peterson, Mrs. T. Patricia, appointment, 278 Peterson, Mrs. Terry G., appointment, 262 Peterson, Theresa J., appointment, 182, 697, 1017, 1350, 145^ Peterson, W. i£., degree, 803 Peterson, W. J,, appointment, 176, 1012 Peterson, W. R., degree, 1533 Peting, Mrs. Barbara R., appointment, 283 -Petrakos, H. N., appointment, 355 Petras, F., appointment, 308 Petras, M., degree, 417 Petravice, P. P., appointment, 531, 1186 Petree, H. E., degree, 809 Petrella, A. D„ degree, 597 Petress, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 325 Petrey, R. T., degree, 593 Petrica, J., degree, 1246 Petrie, Georgia B., degree, 811 Petruzelli, Jacqueline, appointment, 1142 Petry, B. T., certificate, 842 Petry, C. A., & Sons, contract, 24, 340, 495, 502, 846, 847 addition, 846 change, 23, 543 Petry, L. D„ degree, 422 Petsch, H. F., degree, 589 Pettengell, D. B., fellowship, 1485 declination, 1487 Petter, H. A., Supply Co., gift, 1211 Pettersen, D., appointment, 1151 Petterson, Marilyn L., degree, 1566 Petticrew, G. A., appointment, 127, 397, 962 Pettigrew, Sola M., degree, 1536 Pettinga, P. S., appointment, 60, 156, 696, 700, 893, 990 Petty, B. E., appointment, 27a, 1108 Petty, C. R.» degree, 1541 Petty, H. B., Jr., appointment, 120, 953 Petty cash fund, Division of Services for Crippled Children, established, 1200 Peura, W. W appointment, 261 Peurye, Lois, degree, 1560 Pevsner, L., fellowship, 478 Peyovich, G. L., degree, 1251 Pfab, Lois G., degree, 1560 Pfander, W. H., degree, 781 Pfanstiehl Chemical Co., purchase, 1520 Pfeifer, Betty, appointment, 1160 Pfeifer, H. E., degree, 804 Pfeiffer, C. C , appointment, 209, 510, 1045 Pfeiffer, C. E., degree, 585 Pfiester, Mary L., appointment, 270 Pfister, W. F.r degree, 804 Pfizer C , & Co., Tnc, contract, change, 713 gift, 553, i47i Pflaum, J. B., degree, 821 Pfiugmacher, H., appointment, 298, 1134 Mrs. Marie E., appointment, Pfuetze, K. H., appointment, 645, 1181 Phalin, T. L., degree, 815 Pharmacology, budget, 209, 310, 1045, 1147 clinical faculty, 361, 1x89 gift, fellowship, Bristol Laboratories, 552 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., 552, 1471 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 1471 research, S5T» 552* 553. 555» 1216, 1217 toxicology revolving account, 209, 1046 Pharmacy, College of, advisory committee, 430, 1255 analytical balances, purchase, 1343 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1199 budget, 220, 314, 1057, 1152 degrees conferred, 828, 1575 equipment, appropriation, 476, 655, 845, 1324, 1493 facilities, resolution of Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, 34 scholarships, gift, Borden Co. Foundation, 1216 Pharmacy Building, site, test borings, labor and material, 376 Pharmakidis, P. D., degree, 1565 Phelps, L. A., appointment, 268, 1105 Phelps, N. H., appointment, 268, 1105 Phelps, Rose B., appointment, 45, 168, 1003 Pheney, Gail, appointment, 873, 917 Phenicie, M. L., appointment, 284 Phenoxyethanoic acid, use as a keratolytic agent, research, gift, 1215 Phifer, C. H-, appointment, 213, 1049 Phifer, J. C , degree, 1401 Phi Gamma Psi, gift, 1216 Philipp, E. A., degree, 824, 827 Philippsen, W. C , degree, 1251 Philippson, E, A., appointment, 79, 694, 911 Phillip, H., appointment, 306, 1142 Phillip, J. C , degree, 1394 Phillippe, Mrs. Irene G., appointment, 295, 1131 Phillips, B., appointment, 155, 990 Phillips, Bettye J., appointment, 397 resignation, 684 Phillips, C , appointment, 81, 696, 914* J 45^ Phillips, C. E., Jr., degree, 1251 Phillips, D. R., degree, 803 Phillips, Edward L., appointment, 174, 17Q resignation, 449 Phillips, Ernest L., appointment, 1127 degree, 1560 Phillips, F. S., degree, 1396 Phillips, J. D., estate, trustee, request for court ruling, 380 Phillips, J. T., degree, 597, *395 Phillips, J. V., degree, 824, 1574 Phillips, Lois J., degree, 592 Phillips, Norma L., degree, 808 Phillips, P. R., appointment, 274, 1110 Phillips, R. S., degree, 419, 797 Phillips, R. W., degree, 1541 Phillips, Mrs. Ruby, appointment, 305, HS4 Phillips, S. A., appointment, 265, 1102 Phillips, Sarah R., degree, 785 Phillips, T. A., degree, 783 Phillips, W. B., Jr., degree, 1567 Phillips Petroleum Co., purchase, 1206 Philosophy, budget, 81, 267, 914, 1103 summer session, 697, 1453 chairman, appointment, 535 fellows, 681, 1485 organization, change, 535 Philpott, D. E., appointment, 210, 1047 Phinney, P. B., appointment, 82, 915 degree, 581 Phipps, C. H., Jr., degree, 1243 Phipps, L., appointment, 144, 147, 149, 9*9 Phipps, T. E., appointment, 72, 905 Phosphorus, use by plants, study, contract, change, 865
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