UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1632]

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Photoengraving, contract, 378, 838 Photofluoroscopic project, equipment, appropriation, 521 Photographic Laboratory, budget, 1126 purchase, film-viewing machine, 558 motion picture camera, 558 sound-on-film recorder, 500 Photomicrographic apparatus, Ceramic Engineering, purchase, 1520 Physical education, requirements for men, change, 1323 Physical Education, School of, budget, 158, 287, 9 9 3 . 1123 Chicago Undergraduate D i v i s i o n , 248, 333, 1087, 1x74 summer session, 702, 1458 curriculum, health education, 652 degrees conferred, 424, 596, 8 2 0 , 1252, 1401, 1566 equipment and remodeling, appropriation, 2 3 fellows, 6 8 1 , 1485 recreation, graduate program, 1509 remodeling, Chicago Professional Colleges, appropriation, 845 towels, purchase, 526 Physical Education for M e n , appropriations, balances reapprophated, 38, 1197 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 224, 3 1 5 , 1061, 1153 Urbana, 159, 287, 993, 1123 summer session, 697, 1453 lockers, purchase, 376, 440 rehabilitation revolving account, 995, 1123 Physical Education for W o m e n , appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1197 budget, 161, .287, 996, 1124 summer session, 698, 1453 equipment, appropriation, 23 head of department, appointment, 6 hockey field, reconditioning, appropriation, 2 3 practice teaching course, fee for children participating, 365 Physical Environment Laboratory, air-conditioning system, purchase, 613 architectural services, appropriation, 1413 Physical environment research, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 Physical fitness tests of patients, Carle Foundation, contract, 378 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40, 1199 budget, Medicine, 2 0 9 , 310, 1046, 1148 Research and Educational Hospitals, 229, 322, 1068, 1165 funds, gift, 556, 1473 head of department, appointment, 1269 remodeling, engineering services, contract, 764 occupational therapy work made separate department, 489 research, g i f t . 554 . . . . research equipment, crating and shipping, appropriation, 1324 ventilating system, alterations, contract, 849 Physical Plant Department, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 40, 3 6 s . 1198, 1199 air compressor, 492 old heating plant at Chicago Professional Colleges, repairs, 141S projection equipment, 492 remodeling, 4 7 0 , 1461 steam condensate return system, improvement, 521 storage facilities for works of art, 483 transformers, 492 water reclamation improvements, engineering services, 4 9 * . _ „ _ _ w i n d o w safety anchors in Talbot Laboratory, 521


Physical Plant Department, cont'd budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 232, 325, 1070, 1166 Chicago Undergraduate D i v i s i o n , 2 5 1 , 3 3 3 , 1089, 1175 Urbana, 187, 297, 1022, 1133 builders' all-risk insurance. Research and Educational Hospitals addition, 32 electric service equipment, contract, 369, 640 release of f u n d s , 4 3 4 engineering consulting services, minor construction projects, 608, 610 purchase, air compressor, 525 automobile insurance, 768 automobiles, 3 1 , 3 4 3 , 614* 768, 1346 autopsy tables, 558 bandstand, 614 boiler and machinery insurance, 33 brass sheets, 32 builders tower, 31 carpet, 671 carryall, 525 chairs, 524, 557, 767. 854 coal, 31* 342, 7^7, 1495. I S " conduit, 614 copper, 851 D D T spray solution, 1494 dishwasher, 439 draperies, 439 electrical supplies, 8 5 1 , 1344 electric ranges, 1494 extractor, 439 file cabinets, 342 fire extinguishers, 32 fluorescent fixtures, 3 1 , 526, 711 foliar spray, 711 fuel oil, 3i> S o i , 853 fume hoods, 501, 712 gasoline, 5 0 1 , 711, 1305 gate valves, 439 grate links, 671 greenhouse partitions, 376 ground joint u n i o n s , 32 incandescent and fluorescent lamps, 1520 intercommunication equipment, 557 laboratory furniture, 4691 557. 615, 8 5 3 . 1520 lamps, 767 laundry tumblers, 377 lead paste, 1344 library book shelving, 6 n limestone, 854 lockers, 501 lumber, 32, 3 4 2 , 3 4 3 , 4 3 9 , 5°i* 557, 6"i4, 615, 6 7 1 , 838, 1206, 1343, 1344. I 3 6 ° monorail equipment, 614 movable steel partitions, 1466 paint, 32 paint brushes, 525, 1264, 1360 painters' drop cloths, 712 panelboards, 557 paper supplies, 341, 7 " » *344 pipe, 4 6 8 , S o i , 1264 pipe covering, 767 pipe fittings, 557 plywood, 712 police uniforms, 376 power wheel coal bucket, 31 press unit for nurses' uniforms, 439 refrigerators, 1494 resin, 671 road oil, 854 road tar, 854 safety switches, 526 sound projectors, 558 speakers and transformers, 375 station wagons, 3 4 3 , 6 7 1 , 1305 steel, 3 2 , 614 steel stairs for N o y e s Laboratory, 468 stoker links, 854, 1 4 1 6 tables, 557, 712 tenoning machine, 559