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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

iyi2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Moktader, A., degree, 1546 Molbo, Doris M., appointment, 674 Mold, research, gift, 556, 1215 Moldermaker, W. A., appointment, 248, 701 Moldovan, Geraldine F., degree, 812 Molinari, A. S., degree, 1397 Molinari, Mrs. Julia, appointment, 311 Molinaro, L. A., appointment, 1528 Molitor, R. B., degree, 1564 Molitoris, M., degree, 418 Moll, E. J., degree, 1546 Moller, D. R., certificate, 41 Moller, Mrs. Katherine T., appointment, 293 Mollet, Frances E., degree, 1393 Mollet, Laura S., degree, 1242 Molloy, J. J., appointment, 322, 1164 Molloy, R. L., degree, 594 Moloney, J. I. T., degree, 1394, 1553 Moluf, W. H., degree, 801 Molzan, A. E., degree, 1552 Molzan, Claireen L., degree, 814 Monaco, L. T., degree, 829 Monahan, E. J., degree, 423 Monahan, Irene P., degree, 796 fellowship, 531 Monarch Machine Tool Co., purchase, 851 Moncreiff, W . F., appointment, 357, 1186 Monical, Marilena A., appointment, 299 Monical, W., appointment, 278, U14 Monji, Yukiko, degree, 1350 Monk, H. H., member of advisory committee, 36 Monke, C. R., degree, 586 Monke, E. J., appointment, 930 Monkman, R. D., degree, 829 Monochromator, purchase, Physics, 29 Zoology, 853 Monokymograph, Veterinary Medicine, purchase, 613 Monroe, C., appointment, 363, 1192 Monroe, E. A., degree, 1574 Monroe, W . S., appointment, 151, 986 book, printing, 1206 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., purchase, 838, 853 Monsanto Chemical Co., contract, change, 769, 1417 Mitchell, Joseph H., degree, 1242 Mitchell, Joan S., appointment, 1170 Mitchell, Josephine, appointment, 81, 914, 1451 » Mitchell, Mary S., degree, 784 Mitchell, N. F., Jr., degree, 1561 Mitchell, R. H., degree, 801, 1540 Mitchell, R. V., appointment, 139, 690, 974» 1446 Mitchell, W. C , degree, 1284 Mitchem, Angelene M. S., degree, 813 Mitkus, V. V., degree, 1553 Mitsdarfer, J. C , appointment, 271, 1107 Mitsuda, Tetsuichi, degree, 1544 Mittel, H. F., degree, 1567 Mitten, W. B., Jr., degree, 804 Mitterling, P. I., appointment, 695, 1228 Mittlacher, G. V., degree, 595 Mix, S. A., degree, 817 Mixer, Norma, appointment, 1160 Miyamoto, O., degree, 1540 Mize, S. W., certificate, 1292 Mizell, J. W,, appointment, 268, 1105 Mizell, M., degree, 1392 Mizell, S., degree, 1558 Mizinski, Martha R., degree, 812 Mizrahi, R., degree, 819 Moake, F. B., appointment, 76, 909 Moats, Mrs. Norma G., appointment, 1170 Moch, A., degree, 594 Mock, Carolyn, appointment, 1112 Mock, G. D., degree, 794 Mock, Mrs. Ruth M., appointment, 265, 1102 Mocko, A., degree, 597 Mode, G. F., degree, 819 Model Laundry, purchase, 767 Modesitt, G. E., degree, 588, 1246 fellowship, 513, 681 resignation, 778 Modesitt, Mrs. Lorraine, appointment, 294 Modglin, Mrs. E. Juanita, appointment, 1105 Modglin, N. T., degree, 1247 Modigliani, F., appointment, 141, 142, 976* 977* 13*4 Moe, D. D., degree, 589 Moe, Mrs. P. Jeanne, appointment, 303 Moe, W. C , degree, 818 Moeckel, B. R., fellowship, 677, 1480 Moehl, Hildegarde, appointment, 10, 1308 Moehle, R. A., degree, 419 Moeller, A. N., degree, 453 Moeller, G. T., appointment, 72, 690, 905, 1446 Moeller, M. W., Jr., degree, 585 Moen, G., degree, 814 Moenkhaus, Mrs. Ruth S., appointment, 291, 1127 Moens, R. J., degree, 798 Moerchen, Alice M., degree, 1397 Moerke, D. F., degree, 785 Moertel, C. G., degree, 1572 Moews, D. H., degree, 1401 Moews Seed Co., gift, 550 Moffett, June P., appointment, 321 Moffitt, J. G., degree, 410 Mohammed, C. I,, degree, 1569 fellowship, 877, 1500 Mohan, J. T., appointment, 74, 907 resignation, 1353 Mohler, C. W., degree, 1242 Mohr, A., Jr., gift, 1211 Mohr, C. H., appointment, 274, m o Mohr, G. J., appointment, 361, 1190 Mohr, T. S., gift, 1211 Mohr, L r , gift, 1211 Mohr, Mrs. Marilyn P., appointment, m o Mohrman, R. C., degree, 798 Moisan, Mrs. Constance, appointment, 1162 Moje, W., appointment, 397, 906 resignation, 1530 Mojonnier Bros., purchase, 558 gift, 1468 Monsen, H., appointment, 1228 Monson, A. E., appointment, 280, 1115 Monson, Phyllis J., degree, 1556 Montague, Katherine L., degree, 1543 Montalbetti, Mrs. Doris M., appointment, 260 Montcalm, B. W., appointment, 249, 1088, i4S8 Montel, Mary G., degree, 1560 *~Montgomery, J. W., insurance, purchase, 501, 716 Montgomery, K. W., degree, 579 Montgomery, L. N., appointment, 397, 965 Montgomery, M. M., appointment, 204, 1039, 1314 Montgomery, R. B., appointment, 65, 898 Montgomery Elevator Co., contract, 1327 Montonye, Eileen J7, appointment, 290 Montor, K., degree, 821 Montoya, Teodocio, degree, 409 Montrose, Betty R., degree, 808 Monyok, S. J., degree, 594 Monypenny, P., appointment, 82, 916, 1454 Moodie, A. D„ degree, 1393 Moody, Earlene, appointment, 328 Moody, G. W., degree, 797 Moody, L. C , degree, 1250 Moon, Alice J., appointment, 275, m i Moon, G. R., appointment, 198, 1034 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 4, 602, 1405 Moon, R. E., degree, 597 Moon, S., Jr., degree, 804 Mooney, F . P., degree, 824, 829
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