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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1654 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Goodwin, W* O., degree, 1399 Goodwin A v e n u e , e x t e n s i o n , appropriations, balances reappropriated, 1198 contract, 463 addition, 6 6 0 , 708 improvement, f u n d s , 1303 U n i v e r s i t y ' s share of cost, 1302 l a n d b e t w e e n Springfield A v e n u e and Green "Street, sale, 1303 property at 2 0 2 South, parking lot, appropriation, 521 contract, addition, 765 purchase, 348 Goodyear, L . F . , appointment, 72, 265, 905, 1101 Goodyear, Margaret R., appointment, 109, 943 leave of absence, 1407 Goodyear Aircraft Corp., purchase, 1476 Goold, Louise A . , d e g r e e , 1556 Gopaul, V . V . , d e g r e e , 1397 Goppert, H . R., appointment, 246, 1085 Goralski, M r s . Margaret A . , appointment, 289, 1125 Gorden, J e a n n e , degree, 786 fellowship, 680, 1483 Gordon, A . S., appointment, 1225 degree, 1569 fellowship, 447, 531 Gordon, A l i c e M., d e g r e e , 784 Gordon, B e t t y L., appointment, 1113 Gordon, C. O., degree, 1546 Gordon, Charlotte, appointment, 1101 Gordon, D . A . , appointment, 83 d e g r e e , 1394 Gordon, E . , degree, 595 Gordon, H . H . , appointment, 119, 9 5 2 Gordon, H . J., d e g r e e , 823 Gordon, M r s . U s e S., appointment, 1132 Gordon, J. W . , appointment, 297 Gordon, M r s . Laura D . , appointment, 260 Gordon, M., certificate, 1329 Gordon, M . A . , degree, 1392 Gordon, M . P . , fellowship, 677 resignation, 1233 Gordon, P . , d e g r e e , 1551 Gordon, P . B., degree, 1562 Gordon, P . G-, d e g r e e , 1240 Gordon, R. W . , d e g r e e , 1558 Gordon, S. N . , d e g r e e , 813 Gordon, S. S., d e g r e e , 1576 Gordon, T . H . , d e g r e e , 79S Gordon, W . R., appointment, 280, 1116 Gore, C. L., d e g r e e , 1566 Gore, D o r o t h y J., d e g r e e , 1542 Gore, G. J., degree, 415 Gore, J. G., degree, 8 2 1 , 1545 Gorenz, L. J., Jr., certificate, 1329 Gorey, J. P . , d e g r e e , 591 Gorin, J a n i c e R., appointment, 11 Gorman, Bertha L., appointment, 318, 1155 Gorman, C» M., d e g r e e , 805 Gorman, J. W . , degree, 813 Gorman, Marie E . , d e g r e e , 1244 Gormley, W . T., degree, 822, 1571 Gorny, F . X . , d e g r e e , 817 Gorozdos, R. E . , degree, 1243 Gorrell, R u t h , appointment, 2 6 9 , 1105 Gorrell & Gorrell, purchase, 613 Gorsic, L , d e g r e e , 1549 Gorski, F . , appointment, 3 1 5 , 1152 Goslovich, S . J., d e g r e e , 1542* Gosse, D . W . , degree, 800 Gotaas, Bernice E . , d e g r e e , 826 Gothard, J. W . , d e g r e e , 805 Gotschall Bros., purchase, 377 Gotshalk, D . W . , appointment, 8 1 , 535* 9*4 director of Athletic Association, 1409 Gott, A. D . , d e g r e e , 1385 Gott, H . L., appointment, 263, 303, i t o o , H 3 9 Gottardo, P . , Jr., appointment, 240, 1079 Gottfried, L. A . , degree, 577 Gottlieb, A . , painting, purchase, 711 Goldman, J. M., degree, 595 Goldman, M . S., appointment, 75, 9 0 8 , 1449 Goldman, R., certificate, 41 Goldner, H . R., degree, 813 Goldrich, A . , degree, 1558 Goldsand, R o s l y n , appointment, 306 Goldsmith, Ruth A , , degree, 1395 Goldstein, B . , degree, 797 Goldstein, D , A . , degree, 816 Goldstein, E . , certificate, 8 4 2 Goldstein, H . , certificate, 488 Goldstein, L . , appointment, 1292 Goldstein, M . E . , appointment, 295, n 32 Goldstein, Phyllis E . , degree, 590 Goldstein, M r s . Rhoda L . , appointment, 1313. Goldstine, Dora, member of advisory committee, 562 Goldware, R. R., appointment, 359 Goldwasser, E . L., appointment, 530, 9^7 Goldwasser, M., appointment^ 2 0 5 , 4 4 5 , 1039 Golinlcin, Mrs. I r i s N „ appointment, 318 Gollahon, D . L., degree, 419 Golleher, G. M.„ appointment, 1272 Gollin, H . A . , appointment, 3S7t " 8 5 Golosinec, Olga K., degree, 810 Goltermann, C. H . , certificate, 488 d e g r e e , 421 Goltermann, R. M., d e g r e e , 1561 Golubjatnikov, O., degree, 1552 Gomberg, M., certificate, 8 4 2 Gomperts, J. W . , appointment, 2 5 9 , 1095 Gondek, F . R., appointment, 205 resignation, 46 Gonko, R. A . , d e g r e e , 1399 Gonnerman^ A l i c e M., appointment, 224. 1061 Gonzales, E s p e r a n z a , appointment, 263 Gonzalez, M r s . J e a n n e P . , appointment, 279, Goo, A . M. S., degree, 1248 Goo, J. F . S., d e g r e e , 1552 Gooch, H e t t i e , appointment, 9 Gooch, J. D . , appointment, 1225 d e g r e e , 792 Gooch, M a u d , appointment, 9 Good, B e v e r l y J., appointment, 1114 Good, D o r o t h y M., degree, 808 Good, Elizabeth M., appointment, 1151 Good, F . W . , appointment, 304* 1140 Good, H . G., appointment, 1448 Good, H . R „ appointment, 280 Goode, A . , appointment, 310, 1147 Goodel), M r s . Delores D . , appointment, 1104 Goodell, W . F., degree, 788 Goodman, M r s . A d e l l e B., appointment, 1131 Goodman, B . M., appointment, 156, 696, 9 9 0 , J452 Goodman, B. W . , degree, 817 Goodman, D . C , degree, 417 Goodman, F . B., degree, 1399 Goodman, L. E . , appointment, 136, 445* 674, 959, 97i Goodman, M e r l e , degree, 594 Goodman, M o r r i s , appointment, 1499 Goodman, R. M., degree, 1400 G o o d m a n - M i v p h y , insurance, purchase, l494» 1495 Goodrich, B. F . , Chemical Co., contract, 1521 gift, 1213, 1469 Goodrich, B. F . , stock, purchase, 835 Goodrich, B e t h E . , appointment, 1133 degree, 1539 Goodrich, M r s . Marjorie E . , appointment, 76, 8 7l Goodrich, V . E . , certificate, 4 8 8 degree, 4 2 1 , 1239 Goodrick, J. W , , d e g r e e , 589 Goodsitt, H . , member of advisory committee, 36 Goodwin, A. H . , appointment, 204 resignation, 403 Goodwin, C. W . , appointment, 21 r resignation, 731
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