UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1556]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gilroy, Mrs. Anabel C , appointment, 261, 1097 Gilroy, Marilyn H., degree, 1560 Gilson, R. K., degree, 817 Gilstrap, E. F., degree, 1565 Giltner, Eva A., degree, 411 Gimbel, E„ certificate, 1337 Gimbel, S- L., certificate, 41 Gindele, Ida, appointment, 9 Gindich, Kathleen M., degree, 807 Gindler, J. E., degree, 579 fellowship, 677, 1481 Gingival disease, research, gift, 1217 Gtnoli, C. N., certificate, 771 Ginos, G. E., degree, 805 Ginsberg, R. S., appointment, 1527 Ginsburg, J., certificate, 842 Ginstrora, R. A., appointment, 43, 871, 989 degree, 796 Ginzbourger, A. C , appointment, 1136 Girard, F. G., degree, iS47 Gissing, Mrs. Anna M., appointment, 260 Gittelman, I,, degree, 420 Gittelson, L. A., appointment, 364, 1103 Given, Ruth M., degree, 1237 Glad, A. L., degree, 795 Glade, Barbara B., degree, 1397 Glade, R. W., degree, 1388 fellowship, 1486 Glaser, R.. appointment, 462, 1225 Glasgow, C. I., contract, 469 Glass, Mrs. Anne, appointment, 316, H54 Glass, Edna L., degree, 577 Glass, R. V., degree, 821 Glasser, S., degree, 802 Glassman, K. L., degree, 1395 Glassman, Marjorie, appointment, 1157 Glasson, J. A., degree, 1250 Glassware, Ceramic Engineering, gift, 1471 purchase, Chicago Professional Colleges, 767 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 526, 767 General Chemical Stores, 526, 838, 1206, 1520 Physics, 711 Glaudin, V., Jr., degree, 790 Glavin, P. E,, degree, 813 Glawe, Betty J., degree, 800 Glawe, J. F., appointment, 74, 907 Glazer, S., degree, 828 Gleason, A. I., degree, 1549 Gleason, G. J., appointment, 274, 1110 Gleason, J. B., appointment, 76, 909 Gleave, Gwen, appointment, 355 Gleim, Gilda G., degree, 586 Glenn, E. A., degree, 825, 1574 Glenn, Margaret A., degree, 589 Glenn, R. D., degree, 796 Glenn, S. E., appointment, 7$ Glenner, R. J., appointment, 357, 1185 Glens Falls Fire Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, 716 Glenwright, E. J., degree, 1558 Glide, E. A., degree, 814 Glick, R. E., degree, 809 Glickman, N., appointment, 204


Glucurone, effect of oral administration, research, gift, 1471 Glunt, Marie, appointment, 11 Glupker, H., appointment, 217, 235, 1054, 107? declination, 1316 Gluskoter, Gilda M., degree, 595 Glynn, L. W., certificate, 842 Gnaedinger, R. J., appointment, 871, 968 Gnagey, L. N., degree, 1565 Gnat, M. E., degree, 804 Gnat, Marion J., degree, 810 Gnidovic, D. J. F., degree, 1564 Gobell, W . P., Jr., degree, 804 Goble, G. W.,. appointment, 164, 1000 Godejahn, G. C , Jr., degree, 586, 1388 fellowship, 572, 775 resignation, 1424 Goder, J., Inc., contract, 1327 Godfrey, Mrs. Eleanor, appointment, 1272 Godfrey, Mrs. Helen A., appointment, 284, 1120 Godlewski, W. A., degree, 1566 Godshall, Alyce A., appointment, 222, 1058 Godula, E. A., degree, 1391 Goebel, Mrs. Louise W., appointment, 1127 Goebel, M. C , appointment, 279 Goedecke, W. S., certificate, 1178 Goerwitz, J. E. r degree, 407 Goessling, E. W., appointment, 985 Goetker,, F., appointment, 330, 1172 Goetz, Ruth, appointment, 312, 1149 Goff, D. M., degree, 1560 Gohde, Joan E., degree, 1554 Goin, H. D., degree, 1249 Goin, J. C , Jr., degree, 816 Goines, Louise H., degree, 1397 Going, R. E., degree, 1570 Golb, Ruthe N., degree, 812 Golby, J. L., degree, 1538 Gold, Hermine G., degree, 80s Gold, I. L., degree, 1395 Gold, Joan E., degree, 805 Gold, M. E,, degree, 1571 Gold, N. M., certificate, 1329 Gold, R., degree, 595 Gold. R. R., degree, 586 Goldberg, Alvin I., degree, 597 Goldberg, Arnold L, degree, 1571 Goldberg, B., appointment, 353, 1181 Goldberg, B. A., degree, 1574 Goldberg, E. I., certificate, 1329 Goldberg, E. S., degree, 822, 1571 Goldberg, I. W., certificate, 489 Goldberg, K. P., degree, 596 Goldberg, L., degree, 824, 1574 Goldberg, Lorraine H., degree, 1240 Goldberg, R. S., degree, 810 Goldberg, Mrs. Roberta, appointment, 319 Goldberg, S., degree, 824, 1574 Goldblatt, M. H., degree, 583 Goldblatt, M. J., degree, 1565 Golden, B. F., degree, 1558 Golden, L. D. degree, 802 Goldenberg, M., certificate, 1337 Goldenson, S., certificate, 1338 l e a v e d absence, 405 Ghdden Co., gift, 552 Golder, S. C , degree, 593 Wines, Mrs. Jewel, appointment, 319 Goldfarb, E. J., degree, 804 Glissendorf, O. F., appointment, 1477 Goldfarb, I., degree, 824, 1574 Ghsta, W. A., degree, 1281 Goldfine, E. I., certificate, 1507 Globe Furniture & Stationery Co., purchase, Goldhaber, M., resignation, 403 671 Goldhor, H„ appointment, 167, 1003 GJoege, Frances, appointment; 1163 resignation, 1352 Gloger, Mrs. Fern M., appointment, 282 Goldie, E. W., appointment, 3°4i IT4<> Gloger, J. A., degree, 821 Golding, L. A., degree, 424 Glomerulonephritis, research, gift, 1473 Goldman, Barbara, degree, 1399 * Glossop, R. L., degree, 1558 Goldman, C. R., degree, 1554 Wover, Anna C , appointment, 92, 115, 925. Goldman, Florence W., degree, 1392 948 Goldman, G., degree, 796 ni Goldman, H., degree, 1558 Wover, Virginia L., degree, 1284 Goldman, H. M., degree, 419, 1387 WowacW, A. M., appointment, 326, 1167 1 Goldman, J. F., degree, 1395 Gluck, R. E., degree, 419