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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Du Pont Laboratories, stock, purchase, 835 Durand, R. E., degree, 1391 Durbin, P . E., degree, 409 Durborow, J. R., degree, 1237 Durell, Leolia V., degree, 1241 Durfee, Mrs- Joyce, appointment, 1128 Durham, L., degree, 417 Durham. O. C , appointment, 354, 1182 Durik, A. R., degree, 803 Durin, S. E., degree, 1563 Durisch, L. L., appointment, 350, 392 Durlacher, Ilyne L., degree, 1562 Durlacher Bros., purchase, 711 Durley, Adelaide, degree, 1237 Durr, Mrs. Alma, appointment, 327, 1168 Durrell, Dorothy F., appointment, 60, n o , 893. 943, 1456 Dusenbury, M. V., degree, 1564 Dushin, F. E., degree, 595 Dust, A. I., degree, 785 Dust, J. H., degree, 822 Dust, Mrs. Mildred L., appointment, 256, 1093 Dustin, J. E., degree, 1543 Dutton, D. B., appointment, 1527 degree, 1535 Dutton, W. E., appointment, 237, 244, 570, 1076, 1083, 1272 l633 DuVall, R. E., appointment, 265 Duvall, W. M., degree, 591 Duvick, E. E., degree, 1393 Duvick, N., gift, 550 Duwelius, T, A., degree, 790 Dvorak, E. J., certificate, 1328 Dvoran,-Dorothy, appointment, 1142 Dvorsky, E., Jr., degree, 1557 Dwarfism in Hereford calves, study, 33 Dwellings, design criteria for space in, study, contract, 378 Dwight Bros. Paper Co., purchase, 343, 557, 614, 768, 1466 Dworak, Stephanie L., degree, 591 Dwork, Sandra, degree, 589 Dwyer, J. A., degree, 1576 Dwyer, L. A., degree, 817 Dwyer, R, G., degree, 424 Dwyer, W. M., degree, 411 Dyal, J. A., Jr., degree, 1545 Dyck, Norma I., degree, 805 Dye, W. S., Jr., appointment, 870, 1050 degree, 773 Dyer, Evolyn, appointment, 207, 235 resignation, 448 Dyer, J. R., fellowship, 876, 1480 Dyer, R. A., degree, 1394 Dyke, J. P., degree, 415 1 1 Dykeman, W . Z., degree, 4 Dykstra, G. I., degree, 407 Dykstra, L. A., member of advisory committee, 1195 Dykstra, L. J., degree, 588 Dyniewicz, Josephine M., appointment, 205, 1040 Dyson, J. D., degree, 414 Dyson, .Lorraine E., appointment, 262, 1099 Dziedzioch, C. B., degree, 1399 Dzierz, J. W., degree, 825 Dzierzanowski, L. V., degree, 1395 Dzik, S., degree, 1552 Dzugan, B., degree, 1390 Eades, J o Anne, degree, S08 Eagle Star Insurance Co., insurance purchased, 712 Eakin, F., member of advisory committee, 36 Eakman, S. L., degree, 802 Eales, E. P., appointment, 122, 956 leave of absence, 732 resignation, 1382 Eames, L. O., certificate, 488 Eames, Madeline E., degree, 1241 E & I Cooperative, Inc., purchase, 469 E. & J. Manufacturing Co., gift, 1215 Eanes, Ethel M., degree, 595 Earhart, H. E., degree, 4*1 Earle, N W degree, 4 53, 1534 r-arles, M. L., degree, 410 Earley, E. B., appointment, 99, 933 Earley, L. W., appointment, 211 resignation, 403 Eason, D. E., appointment, 287, 1123 East Chemistry Building, dedication, expenses, appropriation, 463 plaque, 496 equipment, contract, adjustment, 611, 669, 7i3> 865, 866, 1209, 1265 release of funds, 654 heating, contract, addition, 27 laboratory equipment, contract, addition, 714 East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building, appropriation, legislation, 772 architectural services, contract, change, 1304, 1462 bids, new, request, 1268 rejected, 1267 reduced program, 1267 contract, dispensing counter units, 1414 electric wiring, 1414 elevators, moving stairways, and lifts, 1475 action deferred, 1414 general work, 1414 heating, piping, and refrigeration, 1414 laboratory furniture, 1414 pipe covering and insulation, 1414 plumbing and drainage, 1414 ventilation, 1414 funds, additional, need, 1268 prevailing wage rates, schedule, 1415 site, demolition of buildings, contract, 1304, 1324 Easterman, Edythe V., appointment, 317, 11-55 Eastman, Doris W., degree, 1554 Eastman, G. H., appointment, 300, 1136 Eastman, J. B., degree, 1554 Eastman, W. H., appointment, 363, 1192 fellowship, 478 Eastman Kodak Co., gift, 549, 1212 stock, sale, 567 Eastwood, Mrs. Agnes C , appointment, 1x21 Eaton, H. C , degree, 1388 Eaton, J. D., degree, 419 Eaton, J. O., degree, 449 Eaton, L. E., degree, 1549 Eaton, Nedra L., appointment, 276 Eaton, Patricia A., appointment, 258 Eaton, Mrs. Pauline, appointment, 1094 Eaton, R. C , appointment, 102, 936 Eaton, R. D., degree, 592 Eaton, Mrs. Shirley J., appointment, 324, 1163 Eaton, Thelma, appointment, 168, 695, 1003, 1451 Eaton, W. 0., appointment, 1107 Ebbesen, J. A., degree, 416 Ebbeskotte, E. E., certificate, 771 Eberhard, J. P., degree, 156s Eberhard, Lois S„ degree, 1560 Eberhardt, W. C , degree, 803 Eberhardt, W. W., appointment, 1130 Eberhart, E. G., degree, 423 Eberstein, A., degree, 583 Ebert, E. D., appointment, 128, 963 Ebert, Justine K., degree, 1550 Ebert, M. H„ appointment, 35^, 1*80 Ebert, Mildred, degree, 408 Ebert, W. H., degree, 794 Ebner, S. H., certificate, 1328 Eby, F. S., fellowship, 1485 Eby, R. N., fellowship, 1480 Eck, R. E., certificate, 488 Eckel, E. J., appointment, 130, 965 Eckels, Lucille G., degree, 812 Eckels, R. E., degree, 1560 Eckels, R. J., degree, 596
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