UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1537]

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Education, College of, cont'd research, gift, 550 teaching in elementary schools, curriculum, admission requirements, 538 Educational broadcasting, project to strengthen, grant of funds, 765 Educational Surveys Revolving Account, budget, 986, 1122 Edwards, C. R., degree, 595 Edwards, Carol J., degree, 595 Edwards, D. W., degree, 591, 1549 Edwards, G. C , appointment, 271, 1107 Edwards, Geneve M., degree, 1554 Edwards, H. C , appointment, 153, 508, 689, 988, 1445 Edwards, H. M., appointment, 61, 139, 894, 974 Edwards, J. A., appointment, 1175 Edwards, J. D., Jr., appointment, 392, 906 resignation, 1232 Edwards, J. N., degree, 821 Edwards, Joanne P., degree, 809 Edwards, Mary E., appointment, 1111 Edwards, P. D., degree, 583 Edwards, P. R., degree, 1393 Edwards, Phyllis, appointment, 157 Edwards, R. J., Inc., bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 Edwards, R. L., appointment, 698 Edwards, R. M., degree, 798 Edwards, Rachel, appointment, 328, 1097 Edwards, T. W., member of advisory committee, 36 Edwards, Virginia S-, degree, 825 Edwards Brothers, purchase, 375 Eells, K. W., appointment, 1448 Efengee Electrical Supply Co., Inc., purchase, 31. 526, 557 Eftax, D. S„ degree, 591 Egalnick, Margaret, degree, 592 Egan, Arlene, appointment, 316, 1153 Egbert, P. R., appointment, 126, 961, 1449 Eger, E. I., degree, 809 Eggebrecht, Dorothy A., appointment, 248, 701, 1087, 1457 Egger, W., Jr., degree, 817 Egges, Mary L., degree, 589 Eggleston, R. M., degree, 1550 Ehart, Mary L., degree, 1392 Ehrenberg, O. M., degree, 1554 Ehresmann, C , appointment, 1423 Ehrhardt, J., degree, 822 Ehrlich, G., degree, 796 Ehrlich, L. D,, degree, 1401 Ehrlich, N. T., appointment, 354, 1183 Ehrlich, R. W., appointment, 363, H92 degree, 1570 Ehrlicher, J. J., appointment, 326, 1175 Ehrlicher, Mrs. Marie, appointment, 1145 Ehrmantraut, H. C , degree, 576 Eich, W. B., Jr., degree, 1549 Eichberger, L. C , degree, 588 Eichelbaum, K. L., appointment, 358, 1187 gift, 1219 Eichelberger, J. T., degree, 788 Eichhorn, G. L., degree, 450 Eichhorst, Lloyd, Inc., purchase, 343, 376 Eichman, J. VV\, degree, 813 Eickhoff, W. J., appointment, 271, 1107 Eidman, K. L., degree, 418 Einarsson, H-, degree, 591 Eigelsbach, C. F., certificate, 1337 Eilbracht, L. P., appointment, 1358, 1497. I5 2 7 Eirich, Mrs. Phyllis A., appointment, 1141, "45 Eirich, S. D., degree, 1554 Eisen, D., degree, 815 Eisen, N. H., appointment, 1337 Eisenach, R. J., degree, 588 Eisenberg, Alfred, degree, 594 Eisenberg, Allen, certificate, 1328 Eisenberg, H., degree, 1394 Eisenberg, Miriam, appointment, 323, 1166

Eckerstrom, R. E., appointment, 154, 169, 1005 Eckert, C. E. f member of advisory committee, 1194 Eckert, F. A., degree, 1401 fellowship, 681 resignation, 1232 Eckert, P. L., degree, 596 Eckert, R. E., degree, 1281 Eckert, W., certificate, 1337 Eckess, W. S., Jr., degree, 1552 Eckhardt, Margarite D., degree, 421 Eckhoff, D. E., degree, 1549 Eckles, E. L., appointment, 691, 1447 Ecklund, R. P., degree, 1553 Eckmann, B., appointment, 530, 57°, 913 Eckoff, Mrs. Charlotte, appointment, 1165 Eckstein, N. C., appointment, 1292 Economic and Business Research, Bureau of, budget, 142, 284, 977, u 20 Economic Cooperation Administration, contract, 1327 Economics, budget, 140, 975, 1120 summer session, 691, 1447 chairman, appointment, 868, 1339, 1491 resignation^ 868 curricula, revisions, 490 fellows, 679, 1482 Economou, S. G., appointment, 363, 1192 Economy Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 650, 1312, 1414, 1464 change, 640 Eddy,' Evelyn, appointment, 361, 1189 Eddy, Helen M., appointment, 10, 1308 Edelen, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 1146 Edelen, Mrs. Ellen E., appointment, 1121 Edelen, J. P., degree, 1252 Edelman, D. C , degree, 1547 fellowship, 677 Edelman, J. M., appointment, 82, 179, 916, 1014 leave of absence, 1502 Edelman, M. T., degree, 1282 Edelman, S. K., degree, 139s Edelstein, R. M., fellowship, 681 declination, 683 Edens, W. E., appointment, 009 Edens, W. M., member of advisory committee, 36 Edgar, A., appointment, 271, 1107 Edgar, A. L., degree, 591 Edidin, J. H., degree, 1558 Edidin, L., appointment, 354, 1182 Edidin, Zella M., degree, 592 Edie, Virginia, degree, 1398 Edman, C. R., degree, J571 Edman, G. J., appointment, 106, 174 declination, 448 Edman, Marjorie, appointment, 102, 936 leave of absence, 1353, 1383 Edmonds, J. L., appointment, 101, 935 Edmonds, Mary P., appointment, 392, $06, 1224 Edmonston, Mrs. Mary C , appointment, 1132 Edmunds, Dorothy A., degree, 805 Edsall, J. V., appointment, 989, 993 degree, 547 Edson, Charlotte G., fellowship, 680, 1278 Education, College of, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, 1197 budget, 143, 284, 978, 1121 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1457 summer session, 691, 1447 clinic, remodeling, appropriation, 15X2 dean, resignation, 1522 degrees conferred, 421, 454, 592, 812, 1250, 1397, 1560 equipment, appropriation, 470 fellows, 679, 1482 graduation with honors, requirements, 538 industrial education, curriculum, 141 xr 1412 Journal of Educational Theory, printing, 467, 1305