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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Derrough, R. P., appointment, 280 Derryberry, Wilda, appointment, 318 Desch, Donna K. T., degree, 1559 DeShazo, R. L., appointment, 293 Design, master's degree, change, 1509 DeSimone, F., Jr., degree, 587 Desmond, J. J., appointment, 1224 Desmond, L. J., degree, 1247 Desort, Elaine G., degree, 589 Desrochers, Mrs. Faith L., appointment, 1151 Dessauer, O. D., degree, 805 Dessent, R. A., appointment, 361, 1189 Destro, V. P., appointment, 476, 1039 De Takats, G., appointment, 213, 1049 De Tamble, Grace W., appointment, 210, 229 resignation, 878 Dethlefs, Mrs. Betty A., appointment, 1453 declination^ 1530 resignation, 1530 Detlefsen, R. H., degree, 1567 DeTrana, Celia, appointment, 313 Detrich, R. C , degree, 597 Dettmann, Marilyn, appointment, 1172 DeTurk, E. E., appointment, 98, 932 Deuchler, Suzanne C , degree, 808 Deuchler, W. E., Jr., degree, 803 Deufel, R. D., degree, 1240 Deusch, L. E., degree, 1551 Deusch, Mrs. Shirley A., appointment, 286, 1122 l629 Dickey, Barbara J., appointment, 1102 degree, 420, 1336 Dickey, C. V., degree, 581 Dickey, D. E., appointment, 1313 degree, 1284 Dickey, G. E., degree, 800 Dickey, M. M., appointment, 354, 1183 Dickey, R. I., appointment, 138, 139, 392, 690, 870, 974, 1349 Dickhaut, O. W., degree, 798 Dickinson, Barbara M., degree, 1560 Dickinson, C. L., degree, 1557 Dickinson, D. C , appointment, 870 degree, 793 Dickinson, P. H., appointment, 358, 1187 Dickinson, Ruth C., degree, 453 Dickman, Mrs. Frances G., appointment, 255, Dickman, R. M., degree, 828 Dickoff, Mrs. Nora, appointment, 1153 Dicks, N. C , degree, 1576 Dicks, W. L., degree, 790 Dickson, J. B., degree, 1554 Dickstein, I. L., degree, 591 Dictating system, Law, appropriation, 1493 DiDea, A., degree, 1571 Diderich, Mrs. Esther, appointment, 1163 Didier, R. J., degree, 802 Dieckamp, H. M., appointment, 133 degree, 419 resignation, 403 Dieffenbacher, T. C., degree, 814 Dieker, J. W., degree, 1393 Diemer, E. R., degree, 1393 Diener, R. A., degree, 1558 Diener, R. G., degree, 411 Dierdorff, Marian E., degree, 421 Dierkes, A. E., degree, 1561 Dierstein, Marietta M., degree, 582 Dieschbourg, T. J., certificate, 41 Diesing, P. R., appointment, 1476 Dieson, Alma, appointment, 9 Dietary, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 227, 318, 1064, 1156 Dietemann, C. A., appointment, 154, 989. '445 Dieter, Dorothy R., appointment, 1189 Dieter, O. A., appointment, 86, 699, 920, 1455 Dietrich, A. P., degree, 821 Dietrich, Maryhelen A., degree, 805 Dietz, F. C , appointment, 79, 9 I2 » '450 Dietz, J. C , appointment, 124, 958, 1498, Dietz, S. C , degree, 1392 Diffenbaugh, W. G., appointment, 363, 1192 Digestion, research, gift, 553 Diggs, A. E., appointment, 363, 1192 Diggs, B. J., appointment, 81, 697, 9*4 DiGiulio, V. S., degree, 1573 Dikselis, B. A., degree, 59' Dill, R. L., degree, 821 Dillavou, E. R., appointment, 138, 689, 974 declination, 777 Dillavou, O. D., appreciation for services to University, 1336 invitation to January meeting, 1331 Dillaway, R. B., appointment, 129, 964, 1377 Dille, C. E., member of advisory committee, 365. I ! 9 5 Dilley, F. E., appointment, 279, 1115 Dilley, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 1128 Dilley, N. E., appointment, 392, 981 resignation, 1352 Dillie, D. K., degree, 139s Dillman, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 1094 Dillman, Beverly A., appointment, 275 Dillman, Mrs. Luella B., appointment, 1093 Dillman, M. W., appointment, 297. U ' M Dillman, W. E., degree, 821 Dillon, Carol E., degree, 825 Dillon, Mrs. Dorothy J., appointment, 938 Dillon, Helen L., degree, 414 Dillon, M. D., degree, 787 1527 1092 Deuss, H. O., appointment, 353, 1182 Deutsch, H. A., degree, 1564 Deutsch, W. E., appointment, 1476 Devak, Bemice, degree, 595 Dever, Ellen E., appointment, 10, 1307 Devlin, W . J., appointment, 362 Devoe & Raynolds Co., purchase, 525 De Vore, J. C , degree, 1394 De Vore, S. E., degree, 1395 De Vore, W . D., Jr., degree, 418 DeWalt, H. A., Jr., degree, 450 De Warga, L., degree, 588 DeWeese, H. L., degree, 411 Dewey, Faye I., degree, 786 Dewey, R. S., appointment, 85, 699, 918, 1454 leave of absence, 1408 DeWind, D. M., degree, 1563 De Wit, F., fellowship, 682, 1485 DeWitt, E. J., Jr., degree, 1541 DeWitt, F. Geraldine, appointment, 256 DeWitt, R. S., degree, 1567 DeWitt, W. W., degree, 805 DeWolf, F. W., appointment, 78, 911 DeWolf, June E., degree, 825 DeWulf, Mrs. Mae G., appointment, n » r Dexigrapb Division of Services for Crippled Children, purchase, 710 Dexter, D. L., appointment, 507, 968 Dexter, Evelyn, degree, 805 Dexter, K., degree, 788 Deyoe, G. P., appointment, 143, 148, 979 DeYong, K. H., degree, 59* DeYoung, W. G., appointment, 3S3, 1182 DeYoung, Wilma J., appointment, 249, 703, to88 Dial, C. E., degree, 790 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 205, 1040 Diamond, J. R., degree, 809 Diamond, P. G., certificate, 1292 Diamond, Thelma, appointment, 1175 Diao, Elizabeth K., degree, 793 Diao, Kai-I, degree, 782 Diaz, U. A., degree, 5*5 Dibble, Mrs. Edna, appointment, 320 Dice, G. K., Jr., degree, 825 DiCiro, G. L., degree, 809 Dickason, D. E., appointment, 62, 89s director of University Civil Service System of Illinois, 1311 Dicker, G. K., degree, 1391 Dicker, Phyllis H., degree, 589 Dickerson, Mrs. Eileen A., appointment, 1097
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