UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1531]

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Dental History, See Medical and Dental History. Dental plaque, research, gift, 1215 Dental postgraduate telephone extension program manual, printing, contract, 30 change, 523 Dentistry, College of, admission requirements, change, 1321 appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 budget, 214, 312, 1050, 1150 degrees conferred, 822, 1570 dental chairs, purchase, 375 release of funds, 367 equipment and repair work, appropriation, 23. 1324, 1461 postgraduate courses, fees, 337 oral surgery, 1323 orthodontia, 1321 periodontics, 1322 research, gift, 1216, 1472 scholastic requirements, bachelor's degree, 1321 Dental-Medical-Pharmacy Building, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 40 contract, air conditioning, experimental quarters, 771 cleaning and tuck pointing walls, 494 cleaning ducts, 472 flooring, 1264 incinerator repair, 1327 remodeling, 370 assignment to Russell Mansfield, 1462 sewer alterations, 502, 543 stairways construction, 1264 stonework repairs, 1517 ventilating system, alteration, 463 water supply facilities, 543 water system alterations, 502 remodeling, bond issue, printing, contract, 622 resolution authorizing, 622 financing, 621 Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction Fund Account, withdrawals, authority, 666 Dentistry Alumni Club of New York, gift, 1219 Dentistry for Children, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 40 budget, 217, 313 Dentistry Postgraduate Studies, manual for extension program, printing, 854 telephone service, purchase, 853 Denton, S. B., degree, 818 Deobler, R. W., degree, 1558 De Olazarra, A. C , degree, 1573 Deotsch, R. C , degree, 1553 Departmental development, appropriations, request, 385 DePeyster, F. A., appointment, 363, 1192 Depilatory, research, gift, 552 Deposit fees, change, 653 Deposit funds, investment, 379, 568 DePree, Lila M., degree, 1576 DeRango, F. J., degree, 805 Derber, M., appointment, 178, 856, 1014 DeRidder, L. M., appointment, 350, 392, 1076, 1083 Dermatitis, research, gift, 1215 Dermatology, budget, 203, 308 1038, 1145 clinical faculty, 352, 1180 library, funds, gift, 1.219 research, gift, 552, 1215 DeRoo, W. J., degree, 803 DeRosa, F. P., appointment, 530 resignation, 646 DeRose, R. A., Jr., degree, 587 Derrer, Phyllis J., degree, 808 Derrick, Lucile, appointment, 248, 507, 701, 1086 Derrough, C. E., appointment, 129, 964 Derrough, Elizabeth D., appointment, 265

DeLaney, C. 0 „ appointment, 1526 Dclaney, Jean, resignation, 403 DeLaney, W. C , degree, 818 DeLap, R. K., degree, 1564 De La Ronde, G. G., degree, 411 De Laubenfels, D. J., degree, 408 fellowship, 680 Del Camp, M. S., degree, 803 DeLee, S. T., appointment, 357, 1185 Delevoryas, T., degree, 1240 Delicath, R. C , degree, 581 Delighter, A., certificate, 488 De Lira, J. R., appointment, 364, 1193 Dell, G. H., appointment, 124, 691, 958, 1447 Dell, P. C , appointment, 212 resignation, 478 Dellatori, Margaret M., degree, 1241 Dellenback, C. R., degree, 1558 Dellert, R. B., degree, 1551 Delluomo. C. D., degree, 822, 1571 DeLong, C. C , appointment, 61, 139, 894, 974 authority to sign name of Comptroller, 444, 858 authority to sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 DeLorenzo, W. F., degree, 781 fellowship, 401, 1231 De Lucia, J. J., appointment, 870, 1271 Delvento, A. J., degree, 596 DelVento, J. M., degree, 1542 Delves, E. L., certificate, 1328 Delzell, R. F., degree, 793 Demaree, R. G., appointment, 1178, 1498 degree, 451 DeMaris, E. J., fellowship, 512, 676 DeMars, R. I., appointmentE 870 Dembinski, Helen T., appointment, 318, 1156 Dembski, M. V. J., appointment, 1377 Dembski, W. J., Jr., degree, 454, 1236 Demeris, H. T., appointment, 293, 1129 DeMers, Mrs. Dorothy L., appointment, 151 DeMers, E. F., appointment, 126, 961 degree, 581 leave of absence, 574 DeMert & Dougherty Co., purchase, 1264,


DeMichele, J. H., degree, 578 Demlow, W. W,, appointment, 279, 1114 Demos, G. D., degree, 1546 DeMoulin, Tahala F., degree, 787 DeMoulin, R. L., degree, 784 De Moulin Bros. & Co., purchase, 376 Dempsey, E. J., appointment, 177 resignation, 403 Dempsey, Ellen, appointment, 71, 904 Dempsey & Co., bond issue for Men's Residence Halls, 1356, 1362 Demuth, J. R., degree, 1388 Denbo, T. D., degree, 596 Denbo, N. M., degree, 801 Denes, Nancy E., degree, 1399 Denhart, Mrs. Bonnie R., appointment, 266,


Denier, F. X., certificate, 42 Denizman, H. N., degree, 1388 Denk, Betty A., degree, 1557 Denk, J. R., degree, 808 Denko, J. V., appointment, 360, 1180 Dennis, D. T., degree, 818 Denny, Mrs. Martha Q., appointment, 242, 1081 declination, 1279 Densch, J. M., appointment, 326, 1168 Denslow, D. D., appointment, 1130 Dent, Mrs. Beulah, appointment, 280, 1116 Dental chairs, purchase, 375 release of funds, 367 Dental charts, Postgraduate Studies, purchase, 340 Dental Clinics, budget, 217, 313, 1053, 1150 cleft palate training program, space in University Hospital, 472